Canada dada da dadada da da

I did a google image search and got this as first link:

That’s because you’re not Canadian.

Everyone in Canada hates Toronto. Especially in Montreal and Vancouver.

What’s to like in Toronto?


Read the thread again, dude.

Montreal sucks.

Vancouver FTW.

Actually, I used to live outside of Toronto (almost everyone you meet here is from somewhere else). You get the impression that the rest of Ontario and sometimes Canada doesn’t really exist.

From watching DaVinci’s Inquest, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to go to Vancouver. Nothin’ there but junkies and rain.

Montreal is probably my favourite. Go there and you realize how uptight everyone in Toronto is.

DaVinci’s inquest- they show that here. No one watches it, but they show it.

Yes late clean up. Shut up.


I have a lesser, but similar dislike for Vancouver as I do for Toronto, it is the Center of the BC Universe, and dominates BC culturally and politically the way Toronto does Canada. They should (along with Montreal) be provinces unto themselves, cutoff of the vast resources they now are unfairly able to exploit, while the real work of that exploitation is done by the people in the small towns. Their social problems should be their own problems.