Budakon blends modern yoga and martial arts. GJJ?

Budakon has some of its origins in martial arts.

Budakon blends modern yoga and martial arts

For those of you looking to tone your muscles, lose the extra pounds, and at the same time relax, Budakon could be the answer. Budakon is a blend of modern yogic and martial arts styles and translates from the Japanese “Bu” warrior, “Du” way, and “Kon” spirit. Budakon was founded in 2000 by Kancho Cameron Shayne, and although still not widely offered, it has become an essential in the lives of many people.

The technique uses a lot of core strength and is also an aerobic exercise. The yogic aspect was heavily influenced by Iyengar and Ashtanga, and the focus is on calm, precision, and power. The martial arts series is drawn primarily from Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Okinawan Karate-Do, and Olympic style Tae Kwon-Do. The objective is to teach agility, focus, power, and flow in mind and body.

Budakon is fascinating in that it creates a link between two distinct practices. The aggressiveness of the martial arts is embraced by the delicate peace of yoga, culminating in an almost dance-like practice.

Budakon was offered for the first time in Waltham on March 24th in a workshop at Yoga Power Studio on Main Street. The workshop was led by Marc Mac Donald and lasted almost three hours. The first part focused on ground positions, the second part was standing up, and the third focused on animal-like positions. These particular positions seemed easy, but in fact required an enormous amount of concentration.

The workshop attracted a diverse spectrum of people. There were yoga practicers, martial arts practicers, and dancers all united in the room, curious to uncover the mysteries of Budakon. However, the funny part is that Marc was able to tell what each person practiced just by the way they engaged in Budakon. Dancers, for instance, did not kick with the same violence as martial arts practioners; their kick was a mere leg extension and they tried to connect every movement into its predecessor.

Marc remarked that although Budakon focuses on the control over the body, the ability to make precise intricate movements, the body is merely a means to an end and should not be regarded as an end in itself. Marc argues that our society has become too obsessed with physical form. Budakon, he argues, is different. Yes, you will sweat a lot. Yes, you will become toned. But it is impossible to practice without a good hearty laugh!




