Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

lol :XXbirdman

YouTube- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Sketch

Old stuff, man

Remember when trolls actually put some effort into their work? Is this half arsed low content thread with a million year old video all we deserve?

I’m depressed now.

Your first post and you clog up the board with some shitty vid we’ve all seen about 3,465,723 times. It was a cringe the first time. The next 3,465,722 viewings were no better. Nobody wants to see it for the 3,465,724th time. Lolololol 8JJ eez t3h g4y!!!111!!one

FYL (Fuck Your Life)

Stu xD

Oh to be 15 again.

[quote=Stu-Jitsu;2341189]Your first post and you clog up the board with some shitty vid we’ve all seen about 3,465,723 times. It was a cringe the first time. The next 3,465,722 viewings were no better. Nobody wants to see it for the 3,465,724th time. Lolololol 8JJ eez t3h g4y!!!111!!one

FYL (Fuck Your Life)

Stu xD[/quote]

If Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t gay then how do you explin this guy?? :qleft5:

[quote=funkytown;2341540]If Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t gay then how do you explin this guy?? :qleft5:
What’s wrong with being gay Mr. Homophobe?

I guess nothing especially for those of you in Jiu Jitsu.

So, by your own admission, there’s no point to your OP? No point to this thread?

Thanks for playing, goodbye.


Says the dude with the Phil Collins technique field.

I honestly have never seen that video and i thought it was pretty damn funny.

I remember that this video got posted about fifty times on every MMA board when this sketch first aired.

And, right, like, bjj, right? Like blow job jutsu? right?
Oh, how we laughed, and how those long winter evenings with just the stuffed animal carcases looking down on us in mute disapproval as Uncle Silas took out the day’s frustration on us, oh, how they just flew by.

OP should do humanity a favor and play tag with a bus.