Boys kill friend using "Mortal Combat" video technique

Boys kill friend using “Mortal Combat” video technique

Riga, March 2, 2005

A 14-year-old schoolboy has been brutally killed in Latvia’s north-eastern town of Valmiera by friends who say they were inspired by a video game, a spokeswoman for the police in Riga said Tuesday.

The five boys, aged 13 to 16, were arrested Sunday by the police of this town of 43,000 inhabitants 120 kilometres (74 miles) north of the capital in connection with the murder which occurred on Saturday, the spokeswoman said.

They explained that “they used techniques borrowed from the video game ‘Mortal Combat’ in dealing with their victim”, the spokeswoman, Kristine Mezaraupa said.

The boys described how they beat up their friend, Marcis, born in 1991, and threw his body in the nearby Gauja river, according to the head of Valmiera police department Juris Andersons.

“The attackers tried to imitate some fighting techniques used in video games,” said the head of the investigation division of Valmiera police department Salvis Stamers. “They employed the use of the legs in a scissor fashion to try to break the opponent’s neck,” he said.

The detained could not say whether the victim was dead when he was thrown in the river. Rescuers had not yet found the body.

“The evidence gained so far makes us certain that the boy could not survive in the ice cold water,” added Andersons.

Investigators inspected the territory along the banks of the river, which is partly frozen, where the murder took place, and found empty bottles of alcoholic drinks and samples of blood.

Three teenagers aged between 14 and 16, were still in police detention, but two boys aged 13 had been freed Monday, as legal responsibility for a criminal offence under the Latvian law comes into force only from age 14.

“It is difficult for me to explain the motivation of this brutal crime,” said Rudite Markus, the headmaster of Valmiera high school where Marcis was a pupil.

“You can blame the video games for some influence, and you cannot fail to notice the onslaught of violence on TV screens.”

“Videogames could be a catalyst for violent behaviour, alerted by alcohol, but one cannot reduce the real motives of the teen murderers to the influence of video games,” said psychologist Zaiga Blaua.

A year ago a pupil, addicted to videogames, killed a video saloon attendant in downtown Riga to get a few lats (dollars) to continue the game, which ended in tragedy.

If proved guilty, the detained boys could get a life sentence or imprisonment up to 20 years.,001800080000.htm

what the hell is wrong with some kids? 16 years old and absolutely no common sense? i see this being used by the ban videogames lobby. at 16 i could already make the difference between reality and fiction.

I clicked this because I thought the title read “Boyd kills friend with ‘Mortal Kombat’ technique”

Nothing can compare to that expectation now.


Shit, I was hoping he got frozen with an ice ball or got his skeleton ripped out of his body with his skin intact. What a let down.



"“You can blame the video games for some influence, and you cannot fail to notice the onslaught of violence on TV screens.”

Whateva happened to CRAZY!? :XXarcade:

>A year ago a pupil, addicted to videogames,
>killed a video saloon attendant in downtown
>Riga to get a few lats (dollars) to continue the
>game, which ended in tragedy.

… The game ended in tragedy?

Of course, the parents have nothing to do with this. This is not a lack of good parenting. I repeat, this is not from a lack of good parenting. I’m sure they were all well-mannered, moral and disciplined children.


Post the link to the original article.

sorry mister. fixed now.

Just another example of blame shifting… kids… “but we didnt do it it was the video games…” adults… “they arent responsible the tv/films/video game/comics etc etc… did it”

You know when I was growing up I knew how to tell reality from fiction… I watched the A team and the hulk (Lou Ferrigno) religiously and not once did I try to blast a cabbage at some one with my cabbage shot gun or throw someone through a door/window/wall just cos they did it on tv… its fake… the kids and adults are responsible… the first time someone steps up and say “Nope no tv, no film or video game was responsible for this it was through my actions and I am responsible for those” will win my respect even if its Charlie fucking Manson…

What is this Mortal Combat game they are talking about? I’ve never heard of it. Is it any good? How does it compare to say… Mortal Kombat?

Who bought him the video game in the first place?


I caught that too :5exclaim:

But if they manned up and admitted that they did it, it probably wouldn’t make the news.

I think the problem is that kids think it IS fake. It’s like kids playing with guns: they see something cool and try to imitate it. They don’t know how to control the techniques and a simple arm bar breaks somebody’s arm, a choke is held too long, etc.

And there was the case of the kid who tied a red towel to his neck and jumped off a fire escape to fly - Superman.

And the case of kids getting hurt while wrestling - WWF/WWE

And the case of the woman who got a cumshot in the eye from her boyfriend - Moneyshot from Porn.

Too much exposure to certain things can make some people do stupid things, this is nothing new.

I think this is partially because kids today aren’t exposed enough to reality to be able to tell the difference; when I was younger, I went outside, played, got hurt, dirty, and sweaty. I boxed with my friends, went shooting with my Dad, and whatnot. Kids today live in front of the tube, either watching movies, TV programs, or playing video games, and don’t get enough solid exposure to reality to form the ability to be able to isolate it from fantasy.

Who do I blame? The parents, of course. You know, the ones who work two jobs each, just so they can have a Jet-skj and a couple of SUVs in the driveway of their overly large suburban tract-home, rather than choosing to live a simpler life, so that they can actually raise their kids.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Yrkoon9 again.

Someone beat me to the “FATALITY!”

Especially with how they threw the guy into the river. My question is, did they uppercut him so that he flew into the river?

Suprised it took so long…