Book Fight Club: The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment, and Assault

Wikipedia say 6%

Are you alluding to Brett Kavanagh?

Is this really the thread for that diatribe? That’s barely tangential. Otherwise, I’d say it’s probably pretty common. A lot of bipolar disorder sufferers and cluster B personality disorder people are compulsive serial liars with very little regard to the welfare of anyone they’re angry with or anyone who has something they want and engage in constant attention seeking behavior as a means of changing the narrative on their own past bad behavior at any potential cost to anyone else.

One such person I’m related to celebrated her mother-in-law’s mother’s death. She was overjoyed to see her suffer. I knew all three women in involved and I was horrified because the mother-in-law and her mom were wonderful people. My relative however was angry at her because she had suggested that her dad send her to rehab for substance abuse.

Sub bought up false claims

I’m just adding nuance

In the early-to-mid 20th century, the phrase politically correct was used to describe strict adherence to a range of ideological orthodoxies within politics. In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits “only to pure ‘Aryans’ whose opinions are politically correct”.[2]
As Marxist–Leninist movements gained political power, the phrase came to be associated with accusations of dogmatic application of doctrine in debates between American Communists and American Socialists. This usage referred to the Communist party line which, in the eyes of the Socialists, provided “correct” positions on all political matters. According to American educator Herbert Kohl, writing about debates in New York in the late 1940s and early 1950s,
The term “politically correct” was used disparagingly, to refer to someone whose loyalty to the CP line overrode compassion, and led to bad politics. It was used by Socialists against Communists, and was meant to separate out Socialists who believed in egalitarian moral ideas from dogmatic Communists who would advocate and defend party positions regardless of their moral substance.

— “Uncommon Differences”, The Lion and the Unicorn [3]

That would be one of 9. You’re probably too young (and too far removed from USian politics) to remember the other:

I have no idea what you are alluding to.

I’m saying, in a roundabout way, that language has been weaponized, over the last century, and our understanding of terms like “sexual assault,” has shifted with that trend. It’s the old George Carlin bit about Shell Shock becoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Softening the language and gradually changing the meaning over time blurs our understanding, and makes us more susceptible to fraud.

And, yes, it is a concerted effort (Q.E.D.)

I don’t think either case is clearly a false allegation

One reason many women do not report sexual victimisation is because they have doubts that they will be believed

In case you missed it, #MeToo.

Language was weaponized before literacy existed. Lying as a weapon and manipulating or exploiting nuances of language is so fundamentally ingrained into human behavior yet half of the people who lean on the tactic seem to act as though they invented it. Take a look at the Greek orators and the rise of the Sophists.

The word “demagogue” itself rose from ancient Greece and came to describe certain leaders who gained power by manipulating poor Athenians with misinformation, innuendo and conspiracy.

Men like Demosthenes were masters of Machiavellian political maneuvering and mass manipulation before the birth of Christ. Before talking for a living was a viable job, lying for personal gain was the international political passtime of every civilization in world history.

Exodus 20:16. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”. It’s not just about lying, it’s about leveling false accusations against members of your community.

And I’m still vague on what you’re trying to allude to in regard to what I wrote.

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I’m talking about BF Skinner’s peer group and social science academia in general. A lot of new academic movements were going on in psychology in the aftermath of WWI and WWII.

I think you are talking about a larger overarching plot than what I’m referring to.

I think we are making the same points, and yes, I am talking about a larger picture of the phenomenon. Psychology as a discipline is not much older than the time frame we’re discussing. In fact, the term “sophist,” which you entered had a very different meaning, in early human history; we now see it as derogatory, but that was not always the case. So, you are, perhaps unknowingly, proving my point.

I mean, if by 5th century BC you mean to use the word recent, then I might see your point.

The first time the sophists were condemned was by Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and many many more beginning 2500 years ago. I’m not talking about regular school teachers, I’m clearly referring to the sophists acting as teachers of rhetoric who engineered the execution of Socrates by hemlock. The academic studies on the moral and ethical failures of men like Demosthenes has been a rich subject of popular academic discussion since the rise of the Roman Empire. The results of their machinations nearly destroyed Athens and lead to the deaths of and persecution of countless people.

I never used the term “recent.”

And you don’t see this happening right now, every day in the press?

Of course I do. It’s practically the national passtime.

So, who are the real “sophists,” then?

By the modern usage of the word, every liar leaning on mass manipulation to achieve personal gain. So, all the politicians, prime time 24 hour news whores, “campaign managers”, public affairs officers, kings, emperors and half of the professional academicians that exist now or have ever existed in human history, etc, etc,

I’m not sure where you’re going with this.

That’s exactly where I was going with this.

You and I may take that as unspoken truth, but there are other readers, here.

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OK. Sorry.

I’m kind of autistic when it comes to understanding subtlety in text. I take everything so hyper literal that I’ve been accused of being German. Terrible, I know.

In B4 Doofa: what’s so bad about being German? LOL.