Who’s paying you to ‘fight terrorists?’.
Does it look like I intend on making that clear? I could easily just say and I won’t, for security reasons.
I will say we are doing a rare interview this weekend for the media where I will be equally vague.
I usually just take my gear off and walk a random direction from the crowd.
If you have to take steps to evade law enforcement when you leave one of these places, that’s a sure fire sign you need to stop going to them.
I think you’re fucking yourself and setting your life on a collision course with disaster, man.
That does not sound like a security gig. That sounds like leaving the scene of a crime.
I like to follow the simple rule of stupids that some may have heard. Don’t hang with stupid people, at stupid places, at stupid times, doing stupid shit. If you break the rule of stupids you increase your chances of of stupid shit happening to you. Some people live for that. To each their own.
You don’t change clothes to evade the cops. You don’t want the political opponents to catch you later that day or use your clothes for ID.
Then why do the interview? If your work is secretive, why post about it on here? Why mention it at all? Surely it would benefit you to not actually post anything.
Its like telling war stories at a bar.
One of us has explored the American West with FAA-registered drones.
It’s not you, farmer. Exploiter.
After the war? sure. During? That’s pretty terrible security.
Dude, you went camping with your dad.
Why aim so low?
Why not tell everyone about the time you knocked out Ghenghis Kahn with the Dim Mak and saved Middle Earth from the Sauron?
If you’re going to lie to impress strangers on the internet then you might as well go all the way.
We’re kinda plastered all over the news anyways.
You need to review your security then.
Sometimes you have a Leeroy in the crew.
From Fame?..
Asshole. …you’re the liar. I have you on record lying about Yoga, not to mention the Falun Gong!
Falun Gong is a dangerous cult with a silly cult leader that spreads rumors about his magic psychic powers, makes up crazy stories about doing psychic battle with interdimensional demons and positions himself as a messiah, prophet and supreme authority on everything from consumer goods to economics to world history and especially science… in that he just makes up stupid silly shit that his willfully ignorant audience laps up stupidly like domesticated animals sucking up antifreeze from a leaky radiator.
It’s exactly the kind of silly superstitious claptrap that bored superstitious housewives and ignorant well meaning liberal idiots take as ancient chinese wisdom that was badly misinterpreted by an aspiring fraud. Li Honzhi has revised his claims repeatedly to tell different stories at different times and requires his followers to contantly buy his various manuals and dietary supplements and attend his for-pay classes and ridiculously expensive training seminars complete with mandatory under-the-table redbag donations (as is the custom).
Fuck recriminations against their persecutors, Falun Gong is an abusive dishonest fraudulent cult led by a petty stupid and dangerous lunatic grifter.
The whole reason Falun Gong is hiding out in the US is because gullible white people eat up those stories about government abuse which Falun Gong are happy to supply in exchange for liberal guilt money along with the old fashioned grift.
Suckers like you feed these dipshit loons money and in exchange they feed you whatever line they want because they know those dummies don’t speak or read chinese and they’ll fall for absolutely any story they tell their credulous rube audience.
Liberals are their perfect suckers. Li Hongzhi is an old bigot that hates homosexuals and supports race theory as well as old fashioned ethic cleansing. He’s no different than the ruthless thugs in the CCP, only he’s dumber and worse at lying.
I hope that was enough spit in your eye to get you hopping mad. Fuck your quasireligious superstitious cult nonsense.
Somebody has to be the jerk that points out uncomfortable truth to their friends.
If it wasn’t for assholes like me peeing in the punch bowl everyone would be ruled by these stupid dinguses.
They didn’t invent lying and they aren’t even very good at it but the one thing I have realized is that given enough time one person telling enough people what they want to hear can control a disproportionate and undeserved amount of power and money.
I’d rather just tell people the truth and watch them grapple seemingly helpless to the thrall of their own weaknesses until they wake the fuck up.