Blyth Cull

There is no statute of limitations on murder, or attempted murder.

Did they ever find the guy that got beaten? Does Blythe have files charged on him now?

No and No.

Is there a link to the video anywhere because I cant find a working one…

I hope Blythe gets what he deserves

I didn’t realize during all the discussion about Blythe in the past that he’s a pilot. Maybe it came up and I missed it, but he’s actually a very accomplished pilot. He’s a commercial pilot and a Certified Flight Instructor, Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument, Multi-engine Instructor, and Ground Instructor. Not easy to accomplish all those ratings.

He’d have to have tons of hours. Surviving two forced landings speaks to his skill as well.

He was also flying close to $1 Million worth of airplane.

Obviously not a particularly good pilot if he’s crashed more than once.

trollshido is made of magic…

[QUOTE=BackFistMonkey;2631959]trollshido is made of magic…[/QUOTE]

Every time Bruce Downey does a snake fist, a baby angel gets inappropriately touched by Michael Jackson.

[QUOTE=Rock Ape;2631950]Obviously not a particularly good pilot if he’s crashed more than once.[/QUOTE]

Wrong. There’s nothing a pilot can do to prevent a freak occurrence like an engine failure in a one year old, $800,000 airplane - assuming he didn’t run out of fuel. If a pilot experiences engine failure and is alive to call the insurance company, he handled it well.

Perhaps sarcasm as a form of wit is lost on you?

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[QUOTE=Rock Ape;2632108]Perhaps sarcasm as a form of wit is lost on you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
Perhaps, although I’m accustomed to you being a stuffy, humorless stick-in-the mud, so I can’t accept all the blame.

What’s up, you got sand in your vagina today ?

[QUOTE=Rock Ape;2632209]What’s up, you got sand in your vagina today ?[/QUOTE]

I get it! A joke! <slaps knee>

Oh, pip pip, jolly good show, old chaps.
I do believe her Majesty’s confused cousin Canada had an oh so witty documentary on the jolly old anatomy of a ripping good joke. Kids In the Hall, if memory serves. If only some good ol’ sport would dig it up?


[QUOTE=noosphere;2631774]Looks like Blythe crashed his plane (again!) on Oct 21, 2011. According to this report Blythe suffered “a moderate head injury.”

A second report mentions that Blythe, “has a few felonies,” and that, “The FAA took Bobby Joe Blythe’s pilot’s license away from him in 2001, after he did not mention he was convicted of two felonies related to drug possession.”

A much more detailed story about the crash can be found here.[/QUOTE]

karma is a killer

[QUOTE=FLICK30;2632608]karma is a killer[/QUOTE]And so’s a boot in the face.

Refrane from posting in the Blyth thread with that sort of bollocks.