:fist: My advise if i understood the topic when u look for a martial art is to use web that’s one of the biggest mass mediatic weapons in the world .First of all make a reserch on which are the few real effective systems for street safe and there are many very good no bullshido sites that can help u in that , then check systems out on youtube videos or as many u can find on topic to see what would work for your tipe of person or not .And best of all if they got a local dojo go there get a free lesson or just look and see it by your eyes body but it’s quite hard to mistake when choosing a self defense system that has to have this qualitys to work for real = realist 100% easy to learn effective 100% and that includes all sides hand to hand or armed unarmed combat even fire arms aimed to civilians and over all teached by who has been street tested many times couse how can u teach something u never did for real?. So when u get to this names shorten up and u get to 3 names 1bjj 2 kravmaga 3 paul vunak jkd they all 3 teach separate civilians vs non civilians they all teach army and law forces plus security so it’s quite hard to go wrong and fall in bullshido $ fraud or incomplite classic styles unless u really dumb or brainwashed by media

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