BJJ is the gayest sport there is

YouTube - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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So good ole Hansel is nothing more than a child ?

I thought he might have been a slightly amusing troll at first … but no … just a foolish kid gunning for attention

[quote=BackFistMonkey;2150340]So good ole Hansel is nothing more than a child ?

I thought he might have been a slightly amusing troll at first … but no … just a foolish kid gunning for attention[/quote]
I want to throw down your kid and stomp on his testicles

We’ve heard that one like six times already. Just go away.

Why not shoot for something more your skill level . I am pretty sure my 10 year old can handle you .

Better yet why not just give up on your life . You are what 16 ? 17 ?

You have lived long enough to prove you are worthless , haven’t you embarressed your mother and father enough ?

Lol. A ten year old bjj’er would kill this guy.

Dude, there’s a line.
Actually, there’s a seat… right over there.