Use bat to “defend” yourself…go to jail.
Use bat to “defend” yourself…go to jail.
Anything that thinks their a bad ass that hits somone with a bat when their supposedly a martial artist isn’t that great of a fighter apparently. Not only was he a coward for hitting someone with a bat he was an abusive guy beating on his girlfriend and threatening women, he is just lucky some of us didn’t get a hold of him before his trial cause he wouldn’t be alive to talk about how bad he is. Everyone meets their match eventually. I would rather take an ass beating anyday to three guys than to kill someone I didn’t even know especially if I thought I was a bad ass I wouldn’t Use a weapon. He took someones life and whether or not he regets it is not important cause he can’t cheat death either and his time will come and his death may be more painful than a quick hit to the head with a baseball bat. The guy he kiilled didn’t have a criminal record except stealing a 4 wheeler and refusing to not snitch on who he sold it to. He was not a violent person who had six children with his girlfriend who he took care of. One of those which drowned in a pool and was fed through a feeding tube and was practically brain dead. Ron said he would gladly take that childs place if the child lived longer. I think Ron was a better man for standing up for his family and going there with no weapons if he wanted to hurt the other guy he would of came and gotten some of his other friends who really don’t give a fuck. His other brothers were there only as mediators so they dind’t get into a confrontation so they could talk it out. So the guy that killed Ron in my eyes killed someone that would of been a good friend to him and might have helped him and saw good in him instead of trying to kill him. I know alot of guys that are bad drunks but for those of us that knew Ron he never hurt anyone as long as we had known him. He drank because thats what he liked to do. Drink beer play pool listen to the radio and chill with his friends playing video games. Not go out and start fights and hurt people. Now alot of people have to live without Ron because of a bad decision on both parts but to use violence when it wasn’t needed was unneccessary when their were no punches thrown. “If you seen a guy with a bat wouldn’t you rush him before he got a swing off or back away” obviously Ron thought he posed no threat or he would have too… other than that what I heard is Ron turned his head and Kaneholani hit him in the back of the head… In my book thats a punk, and in time I’m sure he will be dealt with by the hands of fate and time. I just want you all to know to quit writing shit on here about someone you don’t know based on very little fact. Of course some of you might be friends with Kaneholani but I think you need to check your friendship if he is that big of a hot head that he beats women and is that violent we don’t need people in society like that. Imagine if that happened to your child. I just hope this sorry piece of crap gets some kinda help in there and feels some kinda remorse for what he has done. If they were gonna rush him they would have the first time he answered the door, instead he said hold on and went and grabbed a bat then claimed to be a martial artist. Thats a bunch of bullshit I aint never heard of him, seen him fight, neither have any of the people I know 34 is almost too old to fight anyways in MMA he aint no Ken Shamrock or Rich Franklin. Beyond all this I have no bad feelings for Kaneholani because his time will come too and its not my job to judge… Those are just facts about Ron that I think you should know before posting some garbage about him getting killled cause it can just as easily happen to someone like you standing up for you friends or family…
[quote=derek0024;2062061]Anything that thinks their a bad ass that hits somone with a bat when their supposedly a martial artist isn’t that great of a fighter apparently.
Not only was he a coward for hitting someone with a bat he was an abusive guy beating on his girlfriend and threatening women, he is just lucky some of us didn’t get a hold of him before his trial cause he wouldn’t be alive to talk about how bad he is.
Everyone meets their match eventually, I would rather take an ass beating anyday to three guys than to kill someone I didn’t even know especially if I thought I was a bad ass I wouldn’t Use a weapon. He took someones life and whether or not he regets it is not important cause he can’t cheat death either and his time will come and his death may be more painful than a quick hit to the head with a baseball bat.
The guy he kiilled didn’t have a criminal record except stealing a 4 wheeler and refusing to not snitch on who he sold it to. He was not a violent person who had six children with his girlfriend who he took care of. One of those which drowned in a pool and was fed through a feeding tube and was practically brain dead.
Ron said he would gladly take that childs place if the child lived longer. I think Ron was a better man for standing up for his family and going there with no weapons if he wanted to hurt the other guy he would of came and gotten some of his other friends who really don’t give a fuck. His other brothers were there only as mediators so they dind’t get into a confrontation so they could talk it out.
So the guy that killed Ron in my eyes killed someone that would of been a good friend to him and might have helped him and saw good in him instead of trying to kill him.
I know alot of guys that are bad drunks but for those of us that knew Ron he never hurt anyone as long as we had known him. He drank because thats what he liked to do. Drink beer play pool listen to the radio and chill with his friends playing video games.
Not go out and start fights and hurt people. Now alot of people have to live without Ron because of a bad decision on both parts but to use violence when it wasn’t needed was unneccessary when their were no punches thrown. “If you seen a guy with a bat wouldn’t you rush him before he got a swing off or back away”.
Obviously Ron thought he posed no threat or he would have too… other than that what I heard is Ron turned his head and Kaneholani hit him in the back of the head…
In my book thats a punk, and in time I’m sure he will be dealt with by the hands of fate and time. I just want you all to know to quit writing shit on here about someone you don’t know based on very little fact.
Of course some of you might be friends with Kaneholani but I think you need to check your friendship if he is that big of a hot head that he beats women and is that violent we don’t need people in society like that. Imagine if that happened to your child. I just hope this sorry piece of crap gets some kinda help in there and feels some kinda remorse for what he has done.
If they were gonna rush him they would have the first time he answered the door, instead he said hold on and went and grabbed a bat then claimed to be a martial artist. Thats a bunch of bullshit I aint never heard of him, seen him fight, neither have any of the people I know 34 is almost too old to fight anyways in MMA he aint no Ken Shamrock or Rich Franklin.
Beyond all this I have no bad feelings for Kaneholani because his time will come too and its not my job to judge… Those are just facts about Ron that I think you should know before posting some garbage about him getting killled cause it can just as easily happen to someone like you standing up for you friends or family…[/quote]
Derek, I still haven’t read your post, but this should prevent the bleeding of the eyes that accompanys viewing such walls of text.
Paragraphs are a beautiful thing.
Never say anything that you wouldn’t want your mother to hear,
Never type anything that you wouldn’t want your English teacher to read.
Thanks for joining in, derek0024. Your brilliant post will remain with me for a long time, as a symbol of man’s triumph over grammar.
[QUOTE=derek0024;2062061] The guy he kiilled didn’t have a criminal record except stealing a 4 wheeler and refusing to not snitch on who he sold it to. [/QUOTE]
Yeah, a real goddamned angel. I notice you use the term “snitch”.
just so u know excuse me but that is my brother and i ,love him to death maybe u should watch wut u say bc u never know when a family member like myself could see this stuff so next time be careful wut u say
this is ronalds lil sister katie and idk wut ur saying or nething but if ur defending the whole situation thank u. That was my brother and i miss him dearly and .ppl rele need to watch wut they say about other ppls family
UMMM… hang on a moment.
Three guys go to his place for “self-help” rather than call the police and use the court system? I do not think anyone on the Jury is going to believe they went over to talk, they went there to beat the crap out of him. Sorry folks, that is a no-no.
They tried to push their way into the apartment, only by getting the bat did they back off. Again, three to one? That is deadly force, the bat was justified at this point.
Now, going outside with them, bad move. Now he is in the “self-help” place. You lock the doors and call the cops. If this was his home, and they were on his property, in the US he would be ok in most places.
Drunk guy is going to swing…guess what, deadly force again. It is reasonable to believe that those other two guys are not there as scorekeepers or referees. They can jump in at any moment, so yes, I am going to smack you with the bat if you are going to start the attack.
Pepper Spray over the door jam is a much better plan than a base ball bat, but here we are. With a good lawyer and a good jury, they guy will not do day one.
In my never to be humble opinion, whatever error he made in handling the situation, the situation was CREATED by the three guys going to invade his home.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the court.
its Katie here Derrek0024 idk if i know u but Ron was a great everything to everyone he was a great brother to me he taught me alot and i miss him every day of my life everyday without him is a crappy day i see his ashes everyday he is with our mom and i am now 20 and i still sing him happy birthday every year so he knows that i have not forgotten about him, and as for Kaneholani is getting out this year me personally he took Rons life he gets his life taken eye for an eye but thats just me.
first off Im sorry for your loss man, thats a difficult thing to go through and Im sure he will be missed by a lot of people. I dont think anyone on this thread said anything bad about your friend though, if anything people just said that it was a confusing story and noone really made an assumation who was right or wrong. anyway heres hoping justice is served whatever that may be.
Man says he swung bat in self-defense
In his manslaughter trial, Herbert Kaneholani testifies he was threatened when he struck Ronald Barrie dead
HILLSBORO – A man accused of killing another man with an aluminum softball bat testified Wednesday that he was forced to defend himself after the victim and two friends stood in a semicircle and threatened him.
Herbert Kaneholani, 34, told jurors that he drew an imaginary line splitting the three feet that separated him from the three men he saw as aggressors.
"I told them, ‘If you make a move, you will be hit,’ " he said. “I wasn’t going to make no move.”
But Kaneholani said Ronald Barrie, 22, took a step toward him and began raising his right hand. Using a cardboard tube to simulate the bat, Kaneholani demonstrated in Washington Court Circuit Court how he swung at Barrie.
“One hand, pow,” Kaneholani said. Then he testified that he turned to the two others.
“I said, ‘You want some of this?’ They said no. I said fine.”
Barrie died nine days after the July 9 confrontation outside the Somerset Apartments in the 18200 block of Northwest Bronson Road in Bethany.
Kaneholani is charged with first-degree manslaughter, which requires jurors to find that he acted recklessly and without justification. If convicted, he could be sentenced to at least 10 years in prison. He is also charged with first-degree assault and unlawful use of a weapon.
Kaneholani previously pleaded guilty to two counts of fourth-degree assault involving his girlfriend and one of the other men.
The two other men say Kaneholani was the aggressor.
Jim Fun, a Washington County senior deputy district attorney, suggested during cross-examination that Kaneholani was upset after an earlier confrontation with his girlfriend, Deellen Hardy. Kaneholani admitted that he slapped Hardy after she was late taking him to Home Depot for a job interview. Barrie’s sister, Mandy Prentice, was in the apartment during that dispute.
Prentice testified last week that Kaneholani frightened her by raising his hand as if he were going to hit her, too. She told her stepbrother, William Bishop, what happened, and he told Barrie. Anthony Bryce, a 250-pound friend, joined them, and the three went to confront Kaneholani.
Kaneholani testified that Barrie tried to push into the apartment, but Kaneholani grabbed the bat and the three men backed outside. He said they then argued for five to 10 minutes.
Fun asked whether Kaneholani should have gone back into the apartment and closed the door.
“Now it’s too late, Mr. Fun,” Kaneholani said.
The district attorney persisted. Doesn’t Kaneholani think it would have been better to walk away?
“Now, yeah, it would save me all this headache,” Kaneholani said. “But I was justified.”
After he struck Barrie, Kaneholani took the bat back into the apartment and called 9-1-1. Bishop, who had run away, returned. Kaneholani said he then punched Bishop in the nose.
Kaneholani said he struck Barrie in self-defense, but he wanted to teach Bishop a lesson.
“I was frustrated,” Kaneholani said. “This big kid was mouthing off, and he didn’t know nothing about nothing.”
Washington County sheriff’s Detective Mary Ann Budlong testified Wednesday that Kaneholani did not sound like he was overcome by fear during the confrontation.
“He said he could have done more,” Budlong said. "He just wanted them to learn, and he wasn’t a maniac.
“He said that he does not run from his action and that what he did was wrong, but what they did was wrong, too.”
Tom MacNair, one of Kaneholani’s court-appointed lawyers, suggested during cross-examination of Budlong that the three men were looking for trouble. Budlong confirmed that Bryce said in an interview that he thought the three might get into a fight before they went to confront Kaneholani.
When Barrie was taken to the hospital, he had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19 percent, more than twice the 0.08 percent level at which a person is assumed intoxicated under Oregon law.
The trial continues at 9 a.m. today in Judge Timothy P. Alexander’s
that dudes done, history of violence and he was drunk. Hasta la bye bye Batman.
Batman is my favorite.
no super powers. just skill, and a few gadjets.
Superman is a fag.
Originally posted by virtual_mantis
that dudes done, history of violence and he was drunk. Hasta la bye bye Batman.
It was the guy he hit who was drunk.
This case is pretty fucked up. It’s hard to say what happened.
Aluminum bats are SO much better than wood ones, a stronger strength to weight ratio, lighter and thus faster, and you never see any mofu’s trying to break ALUMINUM bats with their shins do you?
ALUMINUM rocks !!
Aluminum bats are indeed the shit.
Has anyone here ever bit hit with one? I mean, other than at the baseball/softball field when the batter throws one? That hurts by the way…
Also, if you use a cane (walking) and whack that ass, is that manslaughter too?
I’ve been hit by a bat before when I was 9 or 10. It was an accident where someone was practicing swinging where he shouldn’t have been. I got hit on the backswing though, but it still hurt a lot.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, naaaa…BATMAN!!!