ashida Kim's and Barron sheppard's info

Barron Sheppard
1100 Cowan rd
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
D,B,A Sheppard’s Consulting,,sksystem’s

Wendy Sheppard
921 Ave WNW
Winter Haven Fl.
33881, United States
Work Phone 1-863-292-0703
1467 BonnieView CT
Evansville Indiana 47715
United States
Work Phone 1-863-292-0703
D,B,A Sheppard’s Consulting,,sksystem’s

Ashida Kim a,k,a Christopher Hunter a,k,a Bradford Davis
1010 Avenue W.N.W
Winter Haven, Florida
921 Avenue W.N.W
Winter Haven Florida 33881
4900 Cypress Garden,s Road
Winter Haven, Florida
Dojo Press
P.O. Box 209
Lake Alfred Florida 33805
D,B,A Sheppard’s Consulting,,sksystem’s


You obviously meant

Its their info on who they are spanish vato

got any contact on the Easter Bunny?

I do, but i’m not giving it to you, as then i’d have to share the chocolate…
That I’m not stealing from him… :wink:

why can’t all this info just be kept in one thread?

Lamokio likes to spread the love.

he’s spreading something …but it is not love

its Syphilis…ew

Well people wanted to know the info.


Easter Bunny?

I love it trolls with no brain’s

That would explan your obsession with your own reflection in the computer screen.
And here i thought you were a retard!

Also… a bit necro-ish isnt it?

I’ll repeat what I said in post 2


This coming from the racist, idiot, who has been told multiple times, to keep his shit in one thread.

Lamokio stop from BobbyB stop concerning Ashida Kim stop and bs related to him stop one shit pile is enough stop please please stop.

Ripping off Black Adder jokes = OK in my books.

finally someone with some taste. bravo +rep, and my firstborn will be Syberia Edmund Ninja, has a certain ring to it yes?