Annoyed w/ people looking for styles.

Muay Thai = many more points for kicks than punches. Muay Thai is popular in Thailand not here. Therefore we stick in our boxing and rale their kicks.
Kidspatula, your avatar is disturbing to me, please change it

I am starting to think that my dojo is watering down it’s BJJ program:( We are really not a comp school (more emphasis on street stuff). Even though our instructor is a BJJ black belt, he has been promoting largely because of time spent in classes as opposed to raw technique - does any of yalls instructors do this?

I’m curious actually, as to what the large difference would be bewteen street and camp BJJ.

I understand the difference bewteen competition and reality, I’ve even fought more then 90% of the tards saying it, but, however, I always assumed with BJJ it would be more a case of utilising the techniques in a different fashion rather then learn differently.

Use sprawling and clinching to keep of the ground, exploit the clinch to enable superior striking and (possibly) throwing techniques, I’m damn sure you can use submissions to subdue someone. Perhaps even using a person as a makeshift human shield in a multi situation.

I’m sorry if I sound condescending or anything, I’m genuinely curious.

That’s because you don’t have th3 r34l windmilling.

The things TMA/TKDers criticize the ring for usually are the following: a referee, a cage (ie a nice environment with no glass on the ground, no asphalt, no 2x4s lying around), no weapons, and no multiple attackers.

Well let’s take a look at what most (generally) TKD has in its sparring/tournaments - point tournaments (WTF and ITF):

A judge or a master or coach to oversee - like a ref
A layout of the floor with boundaries - like a ring
One on one competition - no multiple attackers
Definitely no weapons

So TKD is just about as real as the ring right? WRONG. Let’s take a look at what these same tournaments/sparring have that is different from the ring:

Not continuous, stop after first hit.
Protection - foam gear, hogus, etc.
Usually restrictions on techniques - no throws, clinching, knees, elbows, grappling
Usually restrictions on targets - sometimes no face (depending), no shots to the legs, sometimes no shots to the back/groin (depending)

All these things make TKD very ineffective, and not realistic. Are these things in ring/cage NHB fights? Absolutely not. Even though the street isn’t the ring, its closer to it than your average patty cake skip kicking maxipad hogu wearing TKD dancing.

  1. Alot of other MA like JKD, Wing Chun, Kenpo, Shaolin Kung fu aren’t in UFC shit. To suggest they are also ineffective is ridiculous

JKD, Kenpo, and WC have been. I think the first two have done ok. Even if they aren’t in UFC, that’s because changes have been slow in adapting to modern combat (most are still struggling to hold on to tradition).

We don’t criticize systems based on performance in the ring. We criticize based on the lack of alive training and the spreading of bullshit not backed by evidence which is rampant in those styles you mentioned.

Do we go as far as to say they’re all ineffective? No you stupid troll we don’t. JKDChick does JKD. Das Moose does Chum Sut WC, we got a couple kenpo guys on here. They get respect. The difference between our guys and your mainstream JKD, WC, Kenpo? Our guys go out, make sure their shit works in a resisting environment, and overall train with aliveness.

If you don’t do that, sure you might own up some drunk noob with no fighting experience at a bar but go up against a seasoned fighter and they’ll beat the fuck out of you and stuff your damn hogu up your ass.

It’s not just Korean MA… I don’t kno why people don’t see that

There are a lot of McDojos for every single type of Traditional MA.

And letum I think I am capable of critical thought. I think you’re bashing arts using arguments without merit. You’re basing your arguments on scenarios you’ve imagined up in your head… yes very useful indeed

I didn’t set out to offend anyone so sorry to the people that were cool about it and have to sit through this

but some people get too heated over nothing

just trying to hvae a healthy, critical discussion here

There are a lot of McDojos for every single type of Traditional MA.

There are lots of fast food joints out htere, but McDonald’s is the biggest. TKD is the biggest McDojo joint out there.

Lol eternal rage… you practice… SBD was it?


you’re a disgrace to korean martial arts you fucking nutsack. how the fuck old are you like fucking 12 you shit face?

you clearly ahve no idea what you’re talking about. you’ve never trained in TKD, and you’re creating imaginary situations in your head

that helps your shit imagination but doesnt really help anything else fuckface

stopping after a point… well it’s obvious anyone would keep going in a REAL situation you dipshit

get a life and be a true martial artist you fucking noob

You people call yourselves martial artists?

Wow… the people on this forum are pieces of shit

You people call yourselves martial artists when you can’t learn to respect other arts? no wonder traditionalists mock you punkass, bald white guys with your boxing

have you noticed no one in UFC is asian?

just because americans suck at traditional martial arts doesn’t make TMA bad you fuckfaces

good night motherfuckers

I think TKfighter went to bed crying. Poor kid.

Very well put…you as a practitioner of Soo Bahk Do are even more familiar with the attempts at standardization of technique and how it has run many of the more free thinkers out of the SBD federation. That is precisely why I tried to make a point of refering to the importance of good instructors and not on organizations as a whole. I started in SBD when I was 4 and trained with many of the upper echelon of instructors(i’m an east coaster originally) so I got a good base for martial arts in general, however, I also made it a point to learn other styles and pick and choose what worked best for me as an individual from them.

I cannot remember who asked what my BJJ instuctors name was(can’t believe how fast people post here…I love it). His name was Rudolpho(sp) “Rudy” Bosco. I trained with him for about 2 years. When I asked him if he was affiliated with any of the “major bjj players” he said he had done some training one of the Gracies(don’t remember whom), but his father was his instructor…I didnt pry any more. He was skilled enough to tie up a Michigan State Wrestler and didn’t have too much trouble getting me to submit and at the time I was in great shape and fairly well versed at grappling.

hahahaha… someone takes the internet a little tooooo seriously. Trollshidowning in 3… 2…

thats kinda what the San Soo guy was telling me … minus liveness and instead add the jugular bite .

but more on topic :

Is your training method your style ? Or is your instructors style , your style ?

What a sorry excuse for a life. Momy tuck you in tight and gave you blankie,or did yout girlfriend dump you for a MMA man?

If by korean martial arts you mean skip kicking hwarang humping bullshit mcdojoism, i’m glad im a disgrace to that. Korean martial arts today as a whole are a disgrace to the older generations that trained hard and built strong foundations for strong systems.

And at my SBD school we don’t wear any gear during sparring, its continuous, and takedowns, grappling, striking the face, legs, wherever the hell you want is allowed. We keep a hold of tradition but still make sure we’re training live during sparring. It pisses the fuck out of me when dumbass Korean martial arts practictioners come up to me with their 1 and 2 year black belts of skip kicking think they can throw down like they did in old Korea.

how the fuck old are you like fucking 12 you shit face?

It is funny how you preceded this post with the following:

just trying to hvae a healthy, critical discussion here

you clearly ahve no idea what you’re talking about. you’ve never trained in TKD, and you’re creating imaginary situations in your head

I started out in WTF TKD. Who’s making up imaginary situations now you stupid sack of aborted baby shit? I got my ChoDan in TKD and then quit when I saw what real Korean martial arts looked like.

stopping after a point… well it’s obvious anyone would keep going in a REAL situation you dipshit

If this is the only retort you have to my previous post, I guess you can’t refute that cage fighting/NHB is closer to the street than TKD point sparring. Show up to a throwdown and we’ll show it to you.

And let me just add “you fight the way you train.” You say its obvious that anyone would keep going in a REAL situation? Well you train to stop after a hit, and you’ll do it in a fight, and for the sake of old school TKD and all its students, I hope you and practitioners like you end up dead.

get a life and be a true martial artist you fucking noob

You fucking hypocrite. Look at the words “martial artist” - martial implies fighting and combat. TKD these days is not fighting/combat - its a sport. So yeah I don’t sit around jerking off to Hwarang warriors and their fucking code that every Korean system ripped off, I don’t sit around all fuckin day thinking about indomitable spirits and I certainly don’t embrace some higher purpose of artistry with my training. Quit wasting your time and train for real you skip kicking hoe.

Didn’t read the thread. Bottom line, drunken monkey will NEVER be as good as BJJ.

Your point about instructors is good. My instructor/master does things differently than the rest of the SBD federation in terms of sparring and conditioning (as I wrote in the post before this one). My master encourages cross training, because like we’ve been discussing, SBD has been heavily standardized and there’s lots of holes in the training, especially throws, clinching, and groundwork.

I’m glad to hear you’ve cross trained in other systems including BJJ, which coincidentally I’m cross training in now. So you trained SBD on the east coast? Who if you don’t mind me asking (just curious) - lot of big names up here…

sssshhhh… KFDW might be reading… you’ll get flooded with emoticons for saying that!

This just in: The Internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

have you noticed no one in UFC is asian?

Like Sakuraba?

the japanese don’t count!