No you don’t.
There is no vendetta against TKD here.
No you don’t.
There is no vendetta against TKD here.
Yes i do…
how the hell would you know?
No I meant that he is a prime example of someone we have seen fight that trains TMA in an alive manner. There are others on here, but he was just the first example that came to mind.
I’m sure like many others TBK has formed his opinions from the 100s of TKD guys he’s seen/KO’d.
Punch techniques? I have never EVER seen a decent punch from a TKD guy, you want awesome punches? Learn to Box. Period.
Noted, I’m already feeling ashamed…
Heh, this kind of stuff makes we wish I stuck with my original (JJ) teacher. As a kid, all that “rolling around on the floor and hugging people” is boring, its only when you grow older you realise how damn sweet it was.
Yes, this is why many Muay Thai gyms employ boxing coaches.
Evil Baji warrior. :evil4:
Letum… wow wrong again
So you bring up the fact TKD is ineffective because it was unsuccessful in the ring…
Ring is also sport; not real
Alot of other MA like JKD, Wing Chun, Kenpo, Shaolin Kung fu aren’t in UFC shit. To suggest they are also ineffective is ridiculous
oh whoops, I misread that. He said HAVEN’T been watered down… it was an idiotic statement either way
Yeah, I don’t think I’ve seen a Muay Thai gym without a Boxing coach actually, though, to be fair, I haven’t exactly seen alot of Muay Thai gyms.
Also, the local Gracie Barra also has a Boxing coach and class now, Personally I’m suprised they decided to host Boxing over Muay Thai.
What are you trying to say? That someone who specializes with their hands might be a better teacher for punching than the ancient monks who have had thousands of years of isolation to perfect their techniques? HAHAHA YOU ARE SO FRESH!
Just an opinion, but I think you should quit while you’re…well, not engulfed in the firey flames of Bullshido’s vets. It’s not pretty.
Yeah, you really need to like… stop posting for a while, cuz you’re really just asking for a trollshidowning with this garbage. Calm down, read the forums, get a feel for the site, and come back when you’re ready to post something of merit.
What’s wrong with what I’ve been posting?
Yeah, pretty much every western muay thai school uses boxing for hand techniques. In Thailand it seems to be much less the case, but they’re very stubborn about muay thai there I think.
it’s been posted by stupid newbies for the past 3 years
Hey fuck for brains, please, enlighten me by revealing what part of my post contained point 1 or 2?
Boxing is a sport, based only on hands. We train for endurance, both long and short term, spending hours and hours each day learning how to hit faster, harder, more creativly and intelligently, employing various tricks and tactics aiming to knock someone the hell out.
We know this works because it is tested under scientific conditions making use of full contact training, saying any system has better punches then A SYSTEM DEVOTED TO FUCKING PUNCHING, AND PUNCHING WELL. Is beyong retarded.
We rag on TKD so much because the wimpy rules bring forth wimpy fighters.
Drop the fucking Hogis, drop the damn headgear, allow nonstop sparring, employ Boxing coaches, condition the legs like weapons, try making more direct powerful kicks, allow punches to the back, etc et damn cetera and then discuss TKD’s effectiveness.
Point 2.
Same problem with all of them, no means of pressure testing. Also, JKD isn’t a style.
When something can hold up under full contact rules, time and time again, it will be accepted as valid, whatever the hell it is, be it TMA CMA MMA what the fuck ever.
Untill then, you’ll have to excuse us if we don’t take your word for it. :laughing3
Letum, I really recommend not getting into this argument. It’s been done over and over and over again
I know, thats the sad thing.
It’s on the net, its at College, its at other gyms I visit.
Seriously, what the fuck kind of world do we live in when people aren’t capable of simplistic critical thought?
trollshidowning in 5… 4…