Andy Pidgeon and his crew troll you

Wow this is great whenever I want to see a Master try to twist words I can come read a post by the ignorant truth67.

If I could be a hero for just one day ok here’s a question for u
What master developed the crackhead and who gave him his black belt and what Gracie did he beat and how much did this Gracie wantbfor a rematch

The guy that developed the move the crack head was Eddie bravo
Got his black belt from machadio the Gracie he beat was roylor
He wants 50 grand to fight him again but they won’t pay that much so no fight

[QUOTE=the truth67;2589777]Hey officer crumky I can’t help it it’s my upbringing that makes be bad my matha was a junkie my father was a drunk officer crumky that’s why I am a punk save me masters from my self save me there is still hope can I buy a piece paper off ya can I huh I’m just a spitball[/QUOTE]

Fucking wow!! You went from insulting everyone on this board to insulting your own mother and father! I was holding out and trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. But now, fuck it! You are an idiot. Now I’m glad that you have came on here and shown the world how ignorant you really are.

I would never let my kids train with you, and any father who cares enough to let his kid train somewhere, will look you up on the internet and then go to the next place in town. Really dumb.

Here’s a question for you, why are you hiding from your MABS thread?

You are a hero you are Captain Dodge-a-Question. Your sidekick Place-The-Blame is in tow.

[QUOTE=the truth67;2589785]The guy that developed the move the crack head was Eddie bravo
Got his black belt from machadio the Gracie he beat was roylor
He wants 50 grand to fight him again but they won’t pay that much so no fight[/QUOTE]

No shit! We have threads devoted to the rubber guard around here. Idiot!

i want this whole stupid thing to be removed. im not worth ur time and ur not worth mine, its a bunch of crap,lies it has been on here for two years, its time to move on if you dont have anything nice to say you shouldnt say it at all and that goes for me to, delete this post and move on with your lifes.

I would have to advocate against training with this guy. Not anything about his lineage, I’m just now concerned he may actually be retarded. Most of the training time might be dedicated to yelling “pudding!”

Typically threads don’t get deleted on Bullshido. It is really a good thing because people can come on here and clear up their names, and thus make a good name for themselves. Unfortunately, sometimes the opposite happens. It which time it is best to keep the thread up so that people can make informed decisions about potential instructors.


Who would have thought this old ass song is about truth67.

[QUOTE=the truth67;2589811]i want this whole stupid thing to be removed.[/quote]As my mother used to say when people were disrespectful:

“Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets filled first.”

You and yours came here disrespectfully breaking rules and now, you want it to stop? Now, after I said it earlier, you are worried about two years?

im not worth ur time and ur not worth mine, its a bunch of crap,lies it has been on here for two years, its time to move on


if you dont have anything nice to say you shouldnt say it at all and that goes for me to, delete this post and move on with your lifes.
I’ll move it. It won’t be deleted because your stupidity needs to be read.

i have told u who gave me my black belt and who gave them there belt if thats not good anuff contact them i have informed one of them and he is going to contact u he asures me he will take care of this bad mouthing crap lol he might show up in person to show u he is real and as far as the angry troll mike u have a open invatation to try me anytime any place any ware and i will be glad to tap u out again like i did at your school not a threat just a friendly compition to see if i can back it up go head make my day the truth

How is he going to show up in person on the internet? That would be pretty cool! And who is Mike? And why do you always try to bring attention away from the Certification claims and make it about rolling. I think the biggest issue is whether or not you have the authority to claim a BJJ black belt and a Judo Black belt. So far, you have been unable to prove that you do.

Back to the threats from the “truth”. :Thoughtful:

Everyone that disagrees with him is “mike” or one of the other people he has problems with in real life.

You guys are so mean, he means business, maybe a gong sau, could make a great vid, if you could take 5 minutes to append this image with where you are it would help Andy and his make believe friend a lot:

[QUOTE=Diesel_tke;2590697]How is he going to show up in person on the internet? That would be pretty cool![/QUOTE]

oh and this is friend, the guy on the cross is Mike:

Not so clever now eh?

qnce again i told u who i got my black belts from and i told u who they got there belts from any more info u can contact them let it be known this mike gimenez the troll guy any time any place any ware u want to try me u are wecome i will tap u out like i did to u in your school this is not a threat just friendly compition make my day troll by the way why dont u tell all these nice people why your school shut down i know a bunch of people looking for u that u stole from if u dont believe me call the owner of the building for proof plus the gym next thor lol plus your old place in jupitor u can run but u cant hide as much as u try to bad mouth me on here my school is doing great and we are kickin ass your kung fu is phoney your a joke u never trained in your life when u picked me u fucked with the wrong guy im what they call the non fuckin around crewwheres your school pal tell all these people so the people u stole from can come get there money u can run but u cant hide as for the other wise guys on here whats the rankjng system on your muaythai callin yoursef a black belt i didnt know they had belts in that system please explain i mean people that live in glass houses should not throw stones the truth spidaa

[QUOTE=the truth67;2590763]qnce again i told u who i got my black belts from and i told u who they got there belts from any more info u can contact them let it be known this mike gimenez the troll guy any time any place any ware u want to try me u are wecome i will tap u out like i did to u in your school this is not a threat just friendly compition make my day troll by the way why dont u tell all these nice people why your school shut down i know a bunch of people looking for u that u stole from if u dont believe me call the owner of the building for proof plus the gym next thor lol plus your old place in jupitor u can run but u cant hide as much as u try to bad mouth me on here my school is doing great and we are kickin ass your kung fu is phoney your a joke u never trained in your life when u picked me u fucked with the wrong guy im what they call the non fuckin around crewwheres your school pal tell all these people so the people u stole from can come get there money u can run but u cant hide as for the other wise guys on here whats the rankjng system on your muaythai callin yoursef a black belt i didnt know they had belts in that system please explain i mean people that live in glass houses should not throw stones the truth spidaa[/QUOTE]
You’ve typed quite a few posts like this. They do not reflect well upon you, sir.

Hi, my name is John Palmer and I have trained under William Vandry for ten years. That’s me in the picture beside this post.

Lineage follows,

Jigoro Kano-> Mitsuyo Maeda-> Carlos Gracie-> Carlos Gracie Jr.-> Carlos Machado-> William Vandry -> Me.

I don’t see what’s so difficult about that. Where exactly is the breakdown in your lineage in BJJ? You can’t tell us from whom your instructor received his black belt from?

Forgive me, I haven’t read the other thread.

Wow, so you were warned and you still try to create another account?

IIF, you know trolls are as smart as retarded cucumbers on meth.