Anatomy of a Catastrophe

I suppose if every armed and untrained rioter/vigilante took out 2 or 3 of the other side the problem would soon go away

I thought it was the parents and he just grabbed it out of a draw or something.

There are a few different accounts I’ve read

Some say it was the father’s and the kid took it without permission

Another has it as an unofficial gift from the parents, but still removed without permission

From the BBC article

"Just one day before the shooting, a teacher said she saw the boy searching online for ammunition, which prompted a meeting with school officials, Ms McDonald said. After being informed of the incident, Mrs Crumbley texted her son: “LOL I’m not mad at you. You have to learn not to get caught.”

And on Tuesday morning - hours before the rampage - Mr and Mrs Crumbley were called into the school for an urgent meeting after teachers found a note by their son, including several drawings of guns and bloodied people alongside captions like “the thoughts won’t stop. Help me”, and “blood everywhere”. The boy had also written “My life is useless” and “The world is dead”, according to the prosecutor.

School officials told the pair they would have to seek counselling for their son.

But the boy’s parents did not want him to be removed from school that day, Ms McDonald said, and did not ask him whether he had the gun with him, or search the backpack he brought with him to school.

At 13:22 later that day, Mrs Crumbley texted her son to say: “Ethan, don’t do it.” Minutes later her husband called police to report his gun was missing, said the prosecutor."

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Based on this, I don’t think you should be commenting on any type of legal matter anymore, bro.


Why do you think that someone something said in an off the cuff private conversation literally weeks earlier would have no bearing on the case?

There’s literally hundreds of reasons why and the Judge took the most relevant legal one and made it INADMISSABLE as evidence (meaning not valid).

Inimicebal. FFS.

Sure it’s imniminicibol

So is the scum bag status of Kyle’s victims

That hasn’t stopped folks from saying they deserved it because the were scumbags

Had Kyle’s fantasy death rampage been imnimincipital do you think the jury would have reached a different decision?

Well they deserved it because they bum rushed someone with an AR. Technically, Rittenhouse was their victim.

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This is obvious.
My reply is not directed at you.
It is weird, that something so obvious needs to be pointed out or explained, but apparently it does.

I thought you were a professor?

I don’t know about “deserved”

I’m sure they believed Kyle was a danger to them and their people

Another narrative could be, they were extremely brave scumbags for tackling a crazed school shooter

Certain criminal behaviors are stil surprising.
And certain cultish ways of thinking, are still weird for even professors to encounter, especially when they are widespread.
Not much different than an atheist professor like myself, saying something blunt about inappropriate yet religious behavior of say the Catholic Church, or Sharia law, or whatever, and that demographic not being able to understand why what they are doing is weird, to anybody not brain washed into thinking those behaviors would be remotely okay.
AKA, why accusing their local diocese of pedophilia or pedophilia cover up is not “disloyal” but expected rational behavior, when those crimes occur by church leaders or employees.
Or explaining to Muslims why doing violence or calling for violence when people insult long dead religious figures is entirely inappropriate, and simply criminal, or a form of insanity.
For a professor who is not a member of those cults, it is odd, that would have to be explained to them.
Much like, having to explain if you physically attack someone they have a right to defend themselves.
Or having to explain that if you physically attack someone who is physically armed, they might shoot you, and have a right to shoot you, in defense of their life, is weird.
Or explaining that people who loot, or riot, or physically attack others, because there was a hurricane, or because they say they are protesting racism or protesting fascism, or acting on God’s orders don’t get a pass for any criminal behavior in association with those activities.
Looting in a hurricane meaning for televisions, not emergency goods in the direst of emergency situations.

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Alright I get that.

But as someone who has had to train a few people. I’m am not shocked anymore about the things that some people require explaining on.

I’ve come to expect it now.

Here’s another one.
All the people in Portland, Seattle, etc, that committed arson or similar attacks to Federal courthouses or Police Stations, should get not a few years in the prison system, but a number of years beyond a few in the prison system.
And all the people who trespassed, or committed property damage, in Congress on Jan 6th should be prosecuted, and if they committed any acts of violence during that incident, even more so, with a little something extra, because that was Congress, and it was in session, doing something important.
No special passes.
One just as the other, and vice-versa.

Well duh, I believe in non violent conflict resolution.

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Not really, he wasn’t a ‘crazed school shooter’ and judging by the actions of the three men from what we know, prior to him shooting them, they were hardly upstanding pillars of the community, they were there for the fuck about and thought that a teen with a rifle was an easy target.

This was all caught on tape, there’s only really one narrative.

Excuse me, I was employing hyperbole

A teenager running around with a gun is pretty scarey, and what the scumbags were up to should not have any bearing in the discussion

But still, “deserved” seems too strong, as if Kyle was an instrument of natural justice

You do realize that one can enter the U.S. military at the age of 17 with parental consent,
and over 33 million Americans are currently between the ages of 17 to 24, and in the U.S. military.
And six U.S. States allow teen agers to be sworn, firearm carrying law enforcement officers, with a badge.

Had Kyle been “well regulated” I’m sure none of this would have happened

He seemed well trained in the use of his arms, and well armed.
So, he was well regulated enough for the three that attacked him.

If groups were regulated, not just your raging hard on for Kyle, this wouldn’t have happened.

By this I means everyone goes home, like the hundreds of thousands who went home from both sides who never engaged in looting, rioting, loitering, pretending to be freelance media or fake protecting businesses.


Well, now that you explained your rather cryptic remark.

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