Adios, Motherfucker: A Cocktail

Seems appropriate…

Drink Recipes
A delicious recipe for Adios Motherfucker, with vodka, rum, tequila, gin, Blue Curacao liqueur, sweet and sour mix and 7-Up soda. Pour all ingredients except the 7-Up into a chilled glass filled with ice cubes. Top with 7-Up and stir gently.

What, no little umbrella? Heathen.

Waste of tequila.

Why do I suspect that the drink is not the point of this?

[h=2]Hit the Road Jack recipe[/h][IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“”}[/IMG2]In case you don’t want to make Hit the Road Jack yourself, rely on Keisha Cooper at Shoals in Deep Ellum.(Nathan Hunsinger / Staff Photographer)

  • 1.75 ounces Jack Daniel's Tennessee Rye
  • .75 ounces rich honey simple syrup (How to make: 2-to-1 honey to water; flavor with lemon and orange peels, allspice and black pepper.)
  • .75 ounces lemon juice
  • .5 ounces aquafaba, which is the brine water inside a can of chickpeas
  • 1 teaspoonof Bénédictine liqueur
  • .5 ounces red wine, preferably pinot noir, malbec or syrah, for red wine float
  • Sprinkle of ras el hanout seasoning


I mean, I cook with Ras-Hanout, but…[/B]

Yeah. That’s about it.
garnish with a lemon
Say prayers to Satan
bend over and kiss own ass goodbye

Oh, he will be back.

Of course. Where else has he to go?