DerAuslander108 is red
DerAuslander108 is a blue
DerAuslander108 is my fantasy lover
DerAuslander108 is a won’t you be too?
Best Thread Ever…
Now are you going to fight him or just cry about it?
This is fucking awesome!!!
Dude you got yourself banned for that. If you just put in this thread it would of been at worst trollshidoed. But you had to spam that in every fucking thread.
Phrost 0wn3d you.
Where else is my pussiness cross-referenced?
DerAuslander the Fucking TKDing Ninja Chunner!
You forgot Aikido.
Ok I added it:
DerAuslander the Fucking TKDing Hippie Ninja Chunner!…0426#post880426…0425#post880425…0423#post880423…0427#post880427…0428#post880428…0429#post880429…0430#post880430…0431#post880431…0433#post880433
Theres a few more too, but I just copied that from the first list that was posted.
shaichiaorules is a banned pussy. Buh-bye!
The whiney little prat finally lost his schnorkers.
Congratulations to Der Auslander for driving him over the edge.
cough STERNUM! cough
I really didn’t even flame him that bad, just pointed out some inconsistencies in some of his arguments. Others did the same. Hell, I even got bored with it and dropped it for a while.
Who’s doing the editing? I like the one where I’m a Go-bot.
Ya done good.
Just goes to show that you don’t need to threaten to rape someone’s mom and gong sau them to death.
Normally just a little logic is all that is needed.
Poor little Shuaichiaorules;
He insisted on playing the fool.
He got himself banned,
Now he’s locked in the can
Taking it out on his tool.
So TKD DOES work.
Yes, but it’s only useful against the deadly sternum punch.
You need more nutriders.