A n00b actually uses the search, and you yell at him for necro

so you necroed two threads you ignorant bastard?

and if I’d started new threads, then you would have probably come and said “don’t create new threads and use the search function you ignorant bastard.”

But you necroed TWO.

Two different topics.
One is a style that may not exist.
The other is about quality of training.

Yes but you could just have easily started a new one about the specific question whilst acknowledging the existence of the earlier thread that didn’t address - that way all the “fluff” is eliminated from the new enquiry and it stops every noob jumping in on a dead discussion.

Just say sorry and we’ll move on!

Sorry :frowning:

No biggie!

Apology accepted Captain Needer…(damn my geek is showing!)

You are in coomand now, Admiral Piet.