I can’t believe I get to be the first to say “moar leik a arm bar”
That was the funniest shit ever.
Ahhh, a bjj guy wouldn’t walk into an arm bar… he’d maybe make you think you were getting him, then he’d like gogogadgetplata you, or something.
And then sleep with your woman.
It’s in their blood, I tells ya!
Best BJJ move evah.
You win.
No, it IS funny… LOL@ WC punching anyone out.
One of the main principles of WC is knockout punching, is it?
Stop. Licking. Toads.
Lemme help you…
And sees a Wing Chun guy and an RBSD guy sitting at the bar together. The WC guy tries to sell him his latest book. The RBSD guy tries to sell him a DVD. The bartender asks him what he wants to drink.
Just as he’s about to ask for whiskey, on the rocks, he senses something, a strange vibe coming from the chunner and RBSDer…
He turns away from the bartender, faces the chunner and RBSDer and tells them
As soon as he says that, the chunner and the RBSDer fused, just like Piccolo and Nail, the result being this:
At that point, the BJJer and the bartender died… like this
The End.
whats with this funny ninja background?
Hey I kinda like what this guy has to say, he’s just offering another style, this site should ease up on him
He! That’s Ashida Kim, master and commander of the ninja head-givers. He alone has the power to give anyone a certificate saying you have a black belt in Vale Tudo (for a modest price, US dollars only).
Search for him on google… you are going to find some really funny, and yet totally dumbfuckified shit about him.
then go suck his cock on his messageboard.
don’t come back
If by beat, you mean jacked off, I agree.
He’s very talented with blow jobs as well.
So you like the fact his style consists in selling falsified black belt certificates on any style, even those without a black belt, without asking for any verification of skills, and without any authority for bestowing black belts?
Then good for you. Enjoy it.
Do tell.
Seriously Fickle, when you go to a comedy club, do you tell the comedians why their jokes are funny?
I totally came in here to say that
arm bar