9 Year old black belt and instructor

It’s bad enough to give black belts to 9 year olds but to have them teaching classes? Ack!

Published on Friday, November 19th 2004

HE may be only knee high to a grasshopper, but karate kid Ryan Gray is top of the chops at his chosen martial art.

For at the age of nine, he has become one of the youngest black belts in the country!

The pint-sized pupil at Ovingham Middle School achieved the award after gruelling four-hour grading session on Sunday.

As well as carrying out sparring and set moves known as katas, he also had to speak and understand Japanese to pick up the coveted award.

He has been training in Seiken Ryu karate since he was six, and is already acting as an instructor at karate classes near his home in Stocksfield.<<

Your have got to be kidding me!

If I went to his dojo I’d quit. Thats just stupid.

thats fucking sad.

you could ask the little teacher “hey can you help me with that move” and KICK HIM IN THE CHEST

I don’t know what it is about this comment but it is cracking me the hell up! I just keep visualizing a grown man planting a foot on a little kids chest and he goes flying like 20 feet into a wall. Actually, I am visualizing a midget.

…and please, no flames from the midgets on this board. We are all created equal my friends!


Well, it says they spar. I had a throw in mind but same basic principle… :slight_smile:

It would be hard to throw a midget… low center of gravity and all. Oh wait, were you talking about the kid?

Well, if he’s gonna be my instructor, he ought to spar with me, right? :slight_smile:

Man, you guys are so macho, picking on a little kid like that. j/k

But seriously, to have a kid that young teach a class is a stupid idea. Who the hell would listen to him?

Chinpokomon is numbah one toy!!

The primary objective is to destory the evil power.
Try to bomb the harbor.

Went to the school’s website, but it looks like it hasn’t been updated this year.

Well, maybe the kid just helps out during the children’s classes. I’ve known kids who do that. It isn’t teaching, but they might have written that in the article to make a bigger deal out of it.

If that’s not the case and the kid is teaching… God help us.

Forefist School Karate?

we have kids help out during lower belt kid’s classes once they get their junior brown, if they want to. it helps cement their learning and gives them better understanding of their material to show it to someone else (as well as helping them learn some responsibility and greater discipline). that said, it is entirely possible that the article’s writer exaggerated the importance of this little one to puff them up in the article. or maybe he is the newly incarnated dali llama of lotus palm society.

That seems likely. It’s human nature and pretty common to puff on these types of things. How many people have taken a one-day seminar with X and then claim to have trained with X. Factually correct, but not an entirely accurate picture. Probably a similar thing here. A 9 year-old gets up in front of class to demonstrate a few techniques for the sensei and then helped some other kids…and now he can claim to have instructed.

The question is whether it is simply the instruction part which has people flabergasted, or simply that a 9 year-old is a blackbelt?

That’s sounds reasonable. It’'s even possible that it’s a junior black belt… I’ve seen situations where kids can go up to a junior black belt and then start at an adult brown belt at 16…

I’ve seen situations where kids can go up to a junior black belt and then start at an adult brown belt at 16…

we actually have 3 kids that have done just that (we let them join the adult class in their teens on an individual basis, the highest junior grade black is the equivalent of the last grade of adult brown). one of these kids will be quite a little badd-ass when he gets some more muscle mass.

Actually our school does the same thing, though insted of taking the childrens program I went stright for the badass adult program. So when I turn 16, I just keep going like I’ve been doing.

no offense, but having kids help/teach other kids is stupid and dangerous