Zuzana iz seriouz fitness coach


Make the first twenty-something seconds of this video a gif. With audio. PLEASE.

Also, Zuzana likes Lady Gaga.

Also, if you are really paying attention to what she says, I really have bad news for you, bro…

Also, another gem:

“When I was a younger girl, I really did make a lot of bad choices that I am ashamed of.”

Also, huge camel toe alert.

YouTube- Fitness - GaGa for Tight Buns Workout

Also, if she wasn’t so eager to sell us her formidable buttocks, maybe more people would notice that she is really a kick-ass instructor and that her workouts, while a bit one-sided, are TEH SHIT.

Rafe, resisting to fap

Let’s be friends… Hahaha. Sure.

Her Czech accent is stronger than Arnie’s Austrian one.

But I think I heard fapping noises during her jump-rope excercise towards the end of the video, where she breathes so heavily, are your sure you resisted, Pilgrim dear?

Didn’t you see the other thread in the PT forum where somebody figured out she did porn?

It was awesome.

[quote=helmutlvx;2420515]Didn’t you see the other thread in the PT forum where somebody figured out she did porn?

It was awesome.[/quote]
Science fact.

Name of the porno in question?

Just google Zuzana Spears/Susana Spears.

Apparently, she had quite a carreer.

Happy fapping!:psyduck: