Zombies! Oh noooeeessszz!

Okay I’m sure everyone here has at some point thought about this:

What would you do in the event that a zombie attack happened? What would you do to survive? What would you do?!?!?!?

For me? I’d grab my Bo, jo, katana, shinai (all of which are conviently located within emergency reaching distance, I mean I’ve planned for this.) and my trusty pocket knife, flash light and laptop. I’d get in my neighbor’s van, probably kick them around a little because they deserve it, drive over to the girlfriend’s house, get her and her surviving family. Then as we are flying through and destroying zombies and stuff, I’ll head over to my friend Neil’s house.

You see Neil is like the typical redneck. He’s got a lot of guns, he goes to rodeo shows, he’s got a lifted truck and he’s going into the military. Only he doesn’t really look like a redneck. He’s got a lot of guns.

I’d hole up with him and his posse. Then we’d probably go to a wal-mart and hang out there and barricade the place down and just live out the rest of our natural lives doing stuff like hunt down animals and stuff, playing videogames, etc. etc.

Why your shinia … christ grab a bokken … it will atleast hurt something

I don’t have a boken…:frowning:

I’d run to my local medieval weapons and armor shop and load up with chain mail and plate armor and play hack n’ slash for a while, looting shops and such like they do in Land of the Dead. It’d be pretty cool. Of course, if they were the SPEEDY zombies like in the new Dawn of the Dead movie, I’d load up on guns and ammo and hole up in a tank or something. I’d still get the full chain mail and plate armor of course.

Shinai don’t work on zombies you fool! I’d sooner grab a crowbar or a fireplace poker than a bokken (they worked pretty nicely in the night of the living dead remake)

Psshh… the quality of armor nowadays is shit. I don’t think they’d be able to fend off bite marks, or zombie scratching.

I’d just get some motorcycle leather. That’d probably protect me better.

BJJ doesn’t work on the streets. Zombies would just bite you.

Between Thad and I we have enough bokken. Plus his Katana.

Think Neil would have a .50? That’s what i’d want, and a Katana for last ditch hopes.

you don’t even really need the plate armor (although you’re totally a fool if you think zombies can bite through even cheaply made plate armor), chain mail will totally suffice. Chain mail is like super durable and from the videos I’ve seen, can’t be chopped through with a sword or axe, so a zombie’s bite should be no problem.

I’d take my shirt off and run around killing everything with dual swords. Man that would rule.

Well then leave the shinia . Grab a shovel . They are zombies , man ,and zombies need massive head/neck trauma or they keep coming .
Anyways the point is the shinia will only slow you down or get you bit when you shatter it on a zombie .

You will also need the shovel to dig a trench and some spike pits around the parameter of your hold out . Zombies are dumb they will just walk right into them and get stuck . You can then just walk up to the hole later and toss some heavy rocks on their skulls safely from above .

Are you kidding? Neil has like everything. But I would want to keep my blunt weapons and unlimited ammo weapons closer than the guns.

Chain mail is like super durable and from the videos I’ve seen, can’t be chopped through with a sword or axe, so a zombie’s bite should be no problem.

Uber sharp zombie teeth would split the rings of the chainmail, and heavy things like battle axes would smash the wearer, if not demolishing the chainmail.

not if they’re the Land of the Dead zombies. Those fuckers will like climb right over your ditch and fuck your shit up.


but then you can pick them off while they are climbing and leaping … your still gonna be inside armed and waiting …

zombies don’t have uber sharp teeth, they have normal decaying, blunt, human teeth. Unless you’re messing with land of the dead type zombies I don’t think you have to worry too much about getting hit with a battle axe.

Good Idea. I’ll drop the Shinai, I’ll grab a shovel… I think I need to keep a shovel in my room now.

there’s a lot of stupid crap in general bs anyway, and the zombies discussion is very relevant to martial arts as it deals with survivalism (a very key element of martial arts)

A more interesting topic would be, how would you fight vampires?