Ysc87's simple padlock shim instructional

I guess this would technically go under “Loot” of LLL.

So, a lot of you may have seen designs for proper padlock shim, with the 1x3" strip with the ‘m’ shape cut into it. Simple enough, but it took too long for me, and I could never get the freaking M shape down consistently. So I decided I would make a “better homemade padlock shim.” Better not in terms of the basic principles behind it, but in terms of make, use, and repeatability.

Honestly, I’m sure someone has thought of this before, but I haven’t seen another variety yet.

So take a look.


Advantages: Extremely easy to make, and the spike portion is easier to design/cut. Also, can make more with 1 soda/beer can than traditional, because it’s 1/2 the size; which is imporant because shims can generally only be used once, so if you fuck up the first time, you can just try again and again.

Disadvantages: Need needlenose pliers, due to lack of structural integrity around tail portion.
(although you can use pliers to help regardless of design)

For me-

Making traditional shim with full can sheet- 1-2 minutes
Making my shim with full can sheet- 20-30 seconds

Success rate on basic Master padlock:
Traditional- ~30%, usually due to ripping of oft-too wide spike
Mine- ~80%

So let me know if you’re going to try it out.

It’s extremely difficult to shim any Master padlock past their level 2s, though most of you will never see a Master lock that secure in your everyday lives.

If the shim starts to rip heavily around the lock opening, discard and try again. Use those pliers gently.

And here’s my video of picking their key padlocks in about 3 seconds:

Don’t you feel safe leaving your shit in lockers now?

If it’s okay with you, may I post that link in a lockpicking forum that I moderate?


what do you think of it?

Honestly I can’t say as I don’t shim. I’m about to set you up for a slew of expert opinion though.

Well, fuck. readies the KY

My friend who has never shimmed before just tried it, and it worked for him on the first go, so I assume I’m making these suckers right. I’ll make a full video explanation and demonstration sometime soon.

Which forum is this? I may be interested in joining.

And God said, “Let there be video.” And there was video.


I don’t know anything about picking locks or shimming, so I apologize if the question seems stupid, but what are the two tails for? I get that the rounded edge covers up the bump that locks the metal arch, but i don’t understand what the tails do.

It’s insurance- if you’re shim-tarded and you start ripping it, you want to be able to ease it out of the lock, hence why it’s good to keep the tails on. Also gives you more to grip on when you’re putting the shim in at first with your hands.

If you’re asking why I cut it to begin with, it’s because you’re putting the shim on the left inside of the lock, and if you just try to stick in the piece without cutting it down to size, it won’t fit under the bend.

Okay, so the tails are there for gripping, mostly, and the split is there because it’s the only way to get the piece to fit? Just want to be sure I got it straight.
Also, I haven’t seen the more “old school” style of shim you talked about, with the M shape. Is there some site I could check out?

Basically, yeah–

as for the traditional types: