Your rank

I am a 8th degree white belt, fear my skills. I am master of the backfall.

Originally posted by Jenfucius
the best rank is gunnery sergeant, you grabastic pieces of crap! you make me puke, you worthless maggots!

Oops! Sorry about that. Just had a little flashback there. :smiley:


Originally posted by Jenfucius
the best rank is gunnery sergeant, you grabastic pieces of crap! you make me puke, you worthless maggots!

O 300 Infantry…YOU MADE IT.

Aye SIR!!!

Originally posted by Dustdevil
[B]Quite ironic that you don’t even know who the Supreme Allied Commander is! Hint: It isn’t a head of state.

It’s always amusing when somebody with no military knowledge presumes to comment upon it. [/B]

Really? I stand corrected… I thought I saw a picture with Bush on an aircraft carrier with the title attached.

Hey, I’m an Australian! :wink:

Now come on, Prez Bush knows about military service. How to avoid it, anyway.

Grandmaster of my own system I develpoed after watching my dog play. 10th Degree Soke of ACD Tao…

Originally posted by Matsufubu
Now come on, Prez Bush knows about military service. How to avoid it, anyway.

Dazzle us with YOUR military record, hero. This ought to be entertaining. :rolleyes:

Well, I’m a seasoned veteran of the ‘Cannon Fodder’ video game, and I must have seen ‘Platoon’ at least five times. And I didn’t even blink at the gore in ‘Saving Private Ryan’. So in other words, I’m the greatest soldier ever.

Look, dumbass, I haven’t played up my so-called military service to gain votes like Dubya has done. If and when I claim to have been a soldier, feel free to ask the question again.

If you want entertaining, drop your pants and look in the mirror.

  • Chief Instructor of the Jedi Order
  • Senior Member of the Jedi Council

Originally posted by Matsufubu
Look, dumbass, I haven’t played up my so-called military service to gain votes like Dubya has done.

So, I suppose you can provide us credible links to quotes of the President “playing up” his military service? So far, the only “playing” I have seen was the playing down of his six years of honourable service by lamers with no service records of their own, yourself included.

If I want entertainment, I’ll pull out my own three (3) Honorable Discharges to look at. Asshole.

Master of Orion

Originally posted by Dustdevil
[B]So, I suppose you can provide us credible links to quotes of the President “playing up” his military service? So far, the only “playing” I have seen was the playing down of his six years of honourable service by lamers with no service records of their own, yourself included.

If I want entertainment, I’ll pull out my own three (3) Honorable Discharges to look at. Asshole. [/B]

Yes actually, I can:

Granted, there’s a couple of Goddamn Demon-crat nutriding in the first couple of sites, but facts are facts.

Six years honourable service, my ass. Not having been in the military does not preclude people from crying “Bullshit!”
I don’t own a Ferrari, but if someone says their Ford is a Ferrari, I’m entitled to call them on it.

And what the hell do your 3 (count 'em) Honourable Discharges have to do with anything? Does it make you right? Are we supposed to be impressed? Respect for having served in the military, but it’s got sod-all to do with this argument.

Oh look, a George Dubya Bush nutrider from Dallas, Texas. What a surprise. Motherfucker.

Originally posted by Jenfucius
the best rank is gunnery sergeant, you grabastic pieces of crap! you make me puke, you worthless maggots!

as usual, Jenfucius catchs the correct, bottles it up, and smashes it over our heads

Originally posted by Matsufubu
[B]Yes actually, I can:

Apparently you cannot. Lots of links there, but not a single example of him “playing up” his military record. That is what you claimed, and that is what I asked for. Is your problem an actual inability to read, or were you simply making a lame attempt at baffling us with bullshit?

Six years honourable service, my ass.

Wait, aren’t you the one who just said “facts are facts?” Did you change your mind on that theory already? His complete record is public (unlike Kerry’s). You didn’t see the honourable discharge? Again, it appears that you didn’t even read your own links. So much for your credibility.

Not having been in the military does not preclude people from crying “Bullshit!”

Agreed, but it does indicate that they probably haven’t a clue what they are talking about when they presume to intelligently evaluate the evidence and throw around buzzwords like “AWOL.” Similarly, it reveals the dishonest and hypocritical nature of their agenda, rendering their comments even less credible.

And what the hell do your 3 (count 'em) Honourable Discharges have to do with anything? Does it make you right? Are we supposed to be impressed? Respect for having served in the military, but it’s got sod-all to do with this argument.

You are grossly incorrect. Those honorable discharges indicate two very relevant facts:

  1. I am not a hypocrite.
  2. I know what I am talking about when reviewing military records.

Whether or not you are impressed is of no interest to me.


Keep your mother off the streets. And tell her to douche too.

Originally posted by Dustdevil
[B]Apparently you cannot. Lots of links there, but not a single example of him “playing up” his military record. That is what you claimed, and that is what I asked for. Is your problem an actual inability to read, or were you simply making a lame attempt at baffling us with bullshit?

Yes, there are examples. No quotes where he says “Look at my military record, I am a hero”, but of course there won’t be. It’s more implicit, not explicit.

Wait, aren’t you the one who just said “facts are facts?” Did you change your mind on that theory already? His complete record is public (unlike Kerry’s). You didn’t see the honourable discharge? Again, it appears that you didn’t even read your own links. So much for your credibility.

Yes, he did get an hourable discharge, but there’s more to it than that. Whoo-hoo, he didn’t get thrown out of the military. But then, there’s the question of how he got to avoid ‘real’ action anyway. His daddy was a very important man at the time, you know. It’s speculation admittedly, but the whole situation is highly suspicious. The point is, he almost certainly got to avoid getting into a combat situation because of who he was.

Oh, and I couldn’t care less about Kerry. He’s a wet fish and I hope Bush beats him. I’m not voting for either, so I have no bias.

Agreed, but it does indicate that they probably haven’t a clue what they are talking about when they presume to intelligently evaluate the evidence and throw around buzzwords like “AWOL.” Similarly, it reveals the dishonest and hypocritical nature of their agenda, rendering their comments even less credible.

What those sites say is their business, I didn’t write them. I never used the term ‘AWOL’, but these sites can’t just make it up or they’d be sued for libel. I personally have no agenda regarding Bush. He’s not MY President. His military service is highly questionable, and it’s his own fault. You don’t need to be in the military to understand phrases like “He didn’t report for service”.

You are grossly incorrect. Those honorable discharges indicate two very relevant facts:

  1. I am not a hypocrite.
  2. I know what I am talking about when reviewing military records.

Whether or not you are impressed is of no interest to me.

  1. Err…an honourable discharge proves you are not a hypocrite? I’d like you to explain the logic of that. I suppose an honourable discharge makes you a good Christian as well, does it? It’s about as relevant. I’m also wondering whether you are a hypocrite or not has anything to do with this. I’m not accusing you of being a hypocrite anyway.
  2. Not necessarily. Having been in the military will give you more knowledge in regards to terminology; the nature of your discharge is not relevant. Having been honourably discharged does not entitle you to a monopoly on military knowledge. I’m not arguing about terminology here, I’m arguing about the simple facts of Bush’s service record.

I questioned your mentioning of your 3 honourable discharges because they are simply not relevant. If you’ve been in the military, fine, but the status of your discharges have nothing to do with Bush’s service record.

Keep your mother off the streets. And tell her to douche too.

I see you’ve been hanging around the schoolyards again. That was pretty amusing when I was 13.


>>“Apparently you cannot. Lots of links there, but not a single example of him “playing up” his military record. That is what you claimed, and that is what I asked for. Is your problem an actual inability to read, or were you simply making a lame attempt at baffling us with bullshit?”

Yes, there are examples. No quotes where he says “Look at my military record, I am a hero”, but of course there won’t be. It’s more implicit, not explicit.

>>“Wait, aren’t you the one who just said “facts are facts?” Did you change your mind on that theory already? His complete record is public (unlike Kerry’s). You didn’t see the honourable discharge? Again, it appears that you didn’t even read your own links. So much for your credibility.”

Yes, he did get an hourable discharge, but there’s more to it than that. Whoo-hoo, he didn’t get thrown out of the military. But then, there’s the question of how he got to avoid ‘real’ action anyway. His daddy was a very important man at the time, you know. It’s speculation admittedly, but the whole situation is highly suspicious. The point is, he almost certainly got to avoid getting into a combat situation because of who he was, and what was he doing in the last two years of his service?

Oh, and I couldn’t care less about Kerry. He’s a wet fish and I hope Bush beats him. I’m not voting for either, so I have no agenda. Kerry is not relevant here, but since you bring him up, he has a Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Hearts, therefore he MUST be right when he says things about Bush’s service record. Do you see what I’m getting at here?

>>“Agreed, but it does indicate that they probably haven’t a clue what they are talking about when they presume to intelligently evaluate the evidence and throw around buzzwords like “AWOL.” Similarly, it reveals the dishonest and hypocritical nature of their agenda, rendering their comments even less credible.”

What those sites say is their business. I didn’t write them, I’m just using them as sources of information. And how do you know the authors don’t know what they’re talking about or haven’t had military service? I never used the term ‘AWOL’, but these sites can’t just make it up or they’d be sued for libel. I personally have no agenda regarding Bush. He’s not MY President. His military service is highly questionable, and it’s his own fault. You don’t need to be in the military to understand phrases like “He didn’t report for service”.

>>"You are grossly incorrect. Those honorable discharges indicate two very relevant facts:

  1. I am not a hypocrite.
  2. I know what I am talking about when reviewing military records.

Whether or not you are impressed is of no interest to me."

  1. Err…an honourable discharge proves you are not a hypocrite? I’d like you to explain the logic of that. I suppose an honourable discharge makes you a good Christian as well, does it? It’s about as relevant. I’m also wondering whether you are a hypocrite or not has anything to do with this. I’m not accusing you of being a hypocrite anyway.
  2. Not necessarily. Having been in the military will give you more knowledge in regards to terminology; the nature of your discharge is not relevant. Having been honourably discharged does not entitle you to a monopoly on military knowledge. I’m not arguing about terminology here, I’m arguing about the simple facts of Bush’s service record.

I questioned your mentioning of your 3 honourable discharges because they are simply not relevant. If you’ve been in the military, fine, but the status of your discharges have nothing to do with Bush’s service record. The fact you keep mentioning them frankly DOES show that you are trying to impress people. Like I said, I’ll give you respect for that, but it’s irrelevant and doesn’t help prove your point.

>>“Keep your mother off the streets. And tell her to douche too.”

I see you’ve been hanging around the schoolyards again. That was pretty amusing when I was 13.

Your inability to post a simple message board reply correctly speaks volumes about your general lack of intelligence.

I hope you’re good at the martial arts, because you certainly aren’t likely to be successful in the intellectual world.

Love is in the air …

I guess this dumb thread doesn’t deserve any better …

Carry on guys!

Hello all I am a black belt in EPAK