Your advices are needed (interesting)

ok here is the situation. I have somewhat recently moved in with my parents. I was living in the same county and they just bought this huge house. They invited me to move in. In my area, I have 1000 sq feet. My living quarters are part of the house but they are a bit seperated. It looks pretty interesting.
Anyway I mainly live there because
A: my county is one of the richest in the nation
B: I am unemployed (although I have $ saved up)
I have my own area and my parents are for the most part cool. And then this happened. My father looks really pissed at me. He waits for my younger sister to leave the house. She leaves and my dad even seems more pissed. This is weird because on this very day, I was to make a ‘lifestyle makeover’ and my main goal was to have a more positive attitude. Despite my dad looking like he wanted me dead, I asked him questions about his day, about how he was doing so on etc. His answers are real short. I ask if he is OK and he says yes and leaves the room. He comes rushing back in and points to me. He says we need to talk. Caught off guard, I can’t speak. He says ‘What you are doing is bad for your mind and your body’ . He says this in a very pissed off way.
“what are you talking about?” I say.
‘I believe you are watching porn and playing with yourself!’ he says. He continued ‘This crap destroys your mind and body’. He was really pissed and I was feeling really akward. ‘I have no idea what you are talking about and you need to mind your own buisness’.
‘I have seen the lotion! I have seen the tissues! I know you are still watching porn! You are playing with yourself and it is disgusting!’ ‘You will not do this in this house!’ I am at a loss for words and start feeling sick to my stomach.

So I started to think what is typical behavior for one such as me?

As a teen, I was bullied. I developed SEVERE anxiety. I had so much self doubt that I would not talk to anyone and esp not women because I thought they would all make fun of me like the guys did. I did not handle rejection well.

As a result of this, I spread myself thin, if I am soooo busy, there would be no time for the social pressures of making friends, getting dates, being a teen. I jumped into the weight room like there was no tomorrow. I joined the wrestling team. I made sure my weekends were packed with work hours at a job. I had little time for a social life. This remained until the end of my college years. I finally saw someone and got the correct medications to help me deal with myself.

    • point being - - I have no point of reference telling me what is normal vs. abnormal. Here is the deal with my whole ‘porn’ deal. I don’t have a girlfriend, I masterbate 1-2 times a day. Of course sometimes I skip a day because of soreness but I am pretty regimented. When I do ‘slap the monkey’, I watch adult videos. Is this normal? Or is this extreame and sick like my father tells me? Has anyone been in this situation? I feel really sick right now :tongue8:

Certainly there will be jokes on this thread, which is fine by me. I could use a little laugh at this time. But I am also looking for sage advice. :notworthy

You’re too old to be unemployed and living with your parents. Forget about the masturbation, you have larger issues to deal with.

sounds like the east coast …

ummm …

your dad has issues that need to be seen by a real docter … none of this religious guidance from the church crap … but a real shrink …

and unless your just :violent5: for fun … that was way to much information …

Being unemployed was a choice I made. I was working a corporate job which I hated. I was and am still burned out to some degree. I have been doing some contract work with another company but I am just searching for the ideal job that would suit me. I am also thinking about going back to school.
Living with my parents sounded like a good idea at the time it was presented to me. Because of my former job, I would be out of state or out of the country for about half of the year. I did not want to pay rent for a place I was not living at. In addition, my friend that I was going to move in with lives less than 10 min away. What would you do? Live cheaply in a large nice house or pay a good amount of change for a place that you don’t own? I am from another country and in my country (and a lot of other countries) some people live with their parents until they are married. Some live with their parents for their whole life. $ goes into the house, making it bigger and better. A lot of Americans look down on this. I understand why but it just makes sense to me.
What I am questioning is - is my behavior abnormal?

btw, I had to provide you with this information so you can see the scope of my problem in hopes that I could find a solution. I don’t have a problem with it - in a way it is kinda funny. My father is a great guy, he is not religious but he is way against porn for whatever reason. Do your parents/roomates - scold this behavior?

Grow a pair, lower your standards and find yourself a woman.

You mean your beating off behavior?

Normalcy is such a subjective standard, WTF does normal mean?

Am I beating off too much? Am I watching porn too much? How much do you guys do?

Good god. You’re like 40 and unemployed, sitting on your ass beating your dick all day in your parents home. I’m a HUGE loser, but god damn. You fucking win.

Oh, and this is headed to trollshido. I just can’t leave it here, because that would be admitting you’re serious and that its possible to be THAT much of a loser, which frankly horrifies me.

Man quitting the corporate job was the choice you made moving into your parents house and not working is a cop out you are pulling as a concession to keep that choice easy.

And in answer to your question, I pay too much to live in a shitty place because i don’t like things like being told I masturbate too much or that I need a life makeover.

If you are ‘burned out’ etc get a throwaway job so you can save money but quit if it sucks. Do something fun, work at a club or something, but there is no excuse to just live at home and be unemployed. It sounds like your dad is frustrated with you on many levels and this is just his bitch of the day.

(For the record firing a shot off once a day or so is not a big deal medically)

Oh god … Get over it your Dad has some real issues dude … really freak him out … ask him to take you to the Family Doctor and to go in with you .
You tell the Doctor whats going on or hand him a printed version of your first post . Then laugh your ass off when the docter hands you a tube of :ky: and tells you may not want to continualy rub mucas membranes with lotion and if your getting sore switch to a better lube .

I mean if all you do is jerk your cock all day and watch porn then maybe your dad has a point . Or maybe he watched some of your porn and found it absolutely disgusting .

btw, my sis is 4 years younger than me and lives with us too. She has even had her boyfriend spend the night. I have no problem with any of this, she is an adult. But from a parents POV wouldn’t they get more angry at her scenario? I am just having a hard time understanding what is going on.

I also have a pair. I wish I had a girlfriend but my current situation is not very attractive. I will probably have a nice place of my own in 6 months but for now, I deal with it. This whole arrangement has allowed me to train like a prop though and for that I am thankful

O.k, at any age there are legitimate reasons to be unemployed. Perhaps yours is legit, perhaps not, but the bottom line is that unless you’re sucking from the public trough, which you apparently are not, then there is nothing wrong with it.

However, living at home at your age is a different story. Unless there is a really good reason for it, such as taking care of a sick family member or something like that, it’s emotionally unhealthy for both you and your parents for you to be living at home at your age. Your question here is evidence of that. You said you lived in the same county anyway, you could have visited them as much as you wanted. Moving in with them was most likely a mistake.

As for your father having issues, maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t, but the bottom line is that it’s irrelevant. You are living under their roof, so you have to respect their rules, however ludricous they may be. If your father says no masturbation, then no masturbation. If you don’t like it, then move out.

If it’s temporary just fucking do what your dad says. If it’s temporary why are you making fucking geekass drama about it?

40!? I am not even 30! Jesus guys, sure this is a real situation but it is not serious in a bad way. I do some contract work, I am not lazy. I just needed to get this off my chest. Like I said, I have no point of reference. I just wanted to get some feedback. I train all day and when I work I work hard. I will not get a throw away job because it would make my resume look bad. The house I live in will be valued at 1,000,000 soon. So make fun of me if you wish but I am not some bum sitting around. As a matter of fact, I am planning a vacation soon. I have NEVER been on vacation. So seriously, I am burned out.

nothing wrong with masturbating … go ask your doctor .

So, a throw away job will make your resume look bad, but being unemployed, or what you’re claiming now about doing contract work (which I don’t believe) will really make your resume shine? WTF is your malfunction?

Also, does your screen name have anything to do with this habit of yours?

ok, I just read some of the post, this is good stuff. As simple as it sounds, it means a lot. I am making ‘drama’ about this because these arguments never happen in my house. My father never gets mad. It is just weird, I thought he was gonna shoot me or something.

40!? I am not even 30!

Sorry, bad math skills. Just woke up. Still…

Dude a big fucking gap in a resume looks like shit too, and it doesn’t matter how much the house you sleep in costs if you don’t pay the freight there.

Lotion, is a nickname for my former roomate, I always thought it was funny.
I do do contract work. It is through a temp agency. It avg. like 10-20 hours a week. It is not much but it is something