Not too long ago the Bullshido Overlord Phrost ‘rewarded’ me with my current name threadicus shiticus, and i’m willing to give the good example.
I want my name and my honour back.
In this thread i am letting you know that i’m going to challenge myself.
The entire month of December i will not troll, make rude posts about the holocaust, ethnic minorities, women and pets.
The entire month of December wll be used to prove i can be a contributing poster.
I also want to be an example for all the lame-ass fuckers out there who can’t handle criticism, so instead of being defensive about it i’m going to take all your advice (only the good ones ofcourse) and put it in practice starting from December 1th until December 31th.
In this thread you can contribute in creating a new Lebell.
Well, thank you, but i want to see how i could improve myself by being a serious contributing poster during the whole month of December.
You must have some advice?
Lebell has alluded to having a very solid martial arts background. It just doesn’t come across often since he’s preoccupied with keeping up a creepy Dutch persona.
Know when rude jokes are warranted and when to keep your fucking mouth shut. That recent Trollshido incident concerning ChosonNinja’s sister was a perfect example.