You’re grounded in trollshido.
Omega pwnt the hell out of this poor bastard.
I refuse to answer based on the last thread you started.
Because of this:
You start threads without substance. You contribute nothing. You’re here to cause trouble? I don’t know. Bottom line is I don’t trust you. I don’t know what your motives are. As far as I’m concerned you are here to simply troll.
[QUOTE=masterJ;2639747]Boxing is a great foundation for foot work and moving your body properly![/QUOTE]
please tell me more oh great one full of wisdom
Is this the Bullshido.Net form of castigation for the holidays? I’m only seeing “Omega Supreme” posts in this thread…btw, Omega’s username changed already to his Christmas username, so why am I still seeing “Omega Supreme”?
It looks like the culprit in question has been banned. I have no Christmas Name last time I checked.
Behold Omega… the hurter of feelings, a notorious liar, mocker, false assumer, and not a true martial artist.
Recoil in fear oh yee masses, for he bringeth unto thee the spirit of Christmas Future.
…I need to restart my Book of Skippy thread…
[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2640608]It looks like the culprit in question has been banned. I have no Christmas Name last time I checked.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I rechecked. It’s Phrost that has the Christmas name, but that one and the accompaning avatar would have been great for you.
No I have the Christmas name.