I’m 14 years old and live in Chicago. I have seen alot of figths in my day and have gotten in alot of fights. I’m not saying that to brag I’m saying that to make a point. Based on what I have seen you cant teach anyone how to fight. Some people have explosiveness and will to win that you just cant teach. I have seen my best friend with no Martial Arts experience in his life. He stays in the streets and gets in like 3 fights in a week. The only way you learn how to fight is by fighting he is one of the most amazing fighters I have seen. He throws basically a barrage of kicks punches I have even seen him pick up this guy 6;3 and slam him into the ground.

He just has something inside him that comes out when he fights I can’t explain it. However everyone in his family is like that. If you saw him fight you would think he has some m/a experience. He throws elbows kicks knees punches in a way similar to a mma artist . I think if I were to take him to a MMA gym right now and have him spar with someone his age from a different background. I have 100% confident he would win.

Now I might get responses saying he shoulden’t be fighting so much and he is on the road to failure. I dont think so he just has recently joined a boxing gym and he got me in it to . The coach told him something like " you really have the potentail to become the next city champ". When I went in for my free class to see how I like it he sparred with some of the senior members thiers taking them head on and standing his ground. Now the boxing gym is in the middle of a very bad nieghborhood. MOst of the kids go thier the coach takes them under his wing helps with the problems they might be facing. So the kids thier also had something inside them that made them a better fighter that came out when they were fighting.

To wrap it all up can you really teach some one how to fight ? Some people just have something inside them that comes out when they fight. Dont really know what it is but you defintly dont see it at suburban gyms. You defintly dont see it in black belts in whatever system you know.

Hi Pharoah1234,

First - This thread is in the wrong place. Introduce yourself and say your piece in Newbietown.

Second - Fighting on the streets is dumb, not cool. If you or your friend keep it up you will end up in hospital, jail, or dead. I see from your other thread that you’ve joined a boxing gym. That’s great. Channel your energy into that, and when you’re outside focus on being a nice person, making friends and having fun. And I’m a dad so I have to say this - one day you’ll be old and won’t want to fight so DON’T NEGLECT SCHOOL!

Third - while some people are physically gifted and possess more natural aggression than others for bio-chemical or purely psychological reasons, effective and efficient fighting techniques can obviously be taught. Stick with your gym and listen to your coaches, and in a year’s time you won’t be able to believe how much of a better fighter you are.

Finally - welcome to Bullshido.

You are 14.

That is all.

What IIF said.

I’d just like to add that there is a difference between there, their and they’re.

Stop fighting, stay in school and you may learn how to correctly use each one.

Oh, and you’re fourteen.

Yes I’m 14 what can I do about it ? I never said I fought on the streets or even fight alot. The last fight I got into was last year. I dont know why this got moved to the trollshido section when it was a legit question.

You obviously have an old soul,

Most 14 year-olds’ world view is as far as they can see from their front door.

( Middle school translation: LOL!! 14 !11!! )

I think the problem for most was that you didn’t give the impression of asking a question. Your original post read more like a soap box rant than a question.

For what it’s worth I sort of agree, there are people who are natural fighters, but I don’t agree that others can’t be taught to fight.

Final bit of advice; don’t write posts all in red. It really doesn’t help to get your point across.

EDIT: IIF beat me to it. :sad:

Oh, and LOL @ Chicago,

I’m from Detroit,

I vacation in Chicago

We have had a few intelligent 14 year old that have posted on bullshido. So, no, age isn’t a factor unless, you do stereotypical nonsense (yes, I’m looking at your OP).

We had one that disappeared he was very intelligent.

Uri Shatal?

Look you can be a great fighter but, have no concept of self defense. All the fights I have gotten into except for one I was defending myself.

my grammar and spelling is fine when im doing school assignments.

I used to live in Detroit before Moving to Chicago.

You must have been part of our ‘Brittle Personality Relocation’ program.


Yes, I am QUITE sure of that.

Way to play like you practice.

Oh, and it is “I’m” not “im”

Capitalize the “M” in “my”.

Im fully aware of that just wanted to see if my theroy was true. When 40 year old virgins get online and have nothing better else to do they go around and try to correct people’s spelling.

Hahahahahahaha missing the point. A fight is a fight. You first said you were in alot, then not alot, now they were all self defense except one.

Kind of like you correcting people’s perceptions on fighting. Do you see the correlation you just birthed?

Immaculate Perception!?!