Seriously, I’m not for violence against children, but can we just football punt ONE of these prodigies?,,2-2006570766,00.html
Seriously, I’m not for violence against children, but can we just football punt ONE of these prodigies?
Yes please. Get video.
No different than “everybody wins” kid’s soccer…
why not comment on the news story? People who read it will know what martial artist not currently in diapers think.
Although we can have Don’s unborn spawn pull guard and choker her out
Kill the parents, and whoever gave her the belt.
So that’s all it takes to become a karate red belt?
Shit, I’m already there.
It says the mom is pregnant… maybe they can cram a black belt into her uterus and make the fetus the youngest karate expert ever.
“Ooh, the baby is kicking! Make it a grandmaster!”
We need to start doing phone interviews with McDojos.
We need to start dojostorming. We need to find a way for that to be legal.
And whoever tied the belt! :smileinbo
Lets just force a miscarriage and call it even.
In two more weeks, she could be running her own dojo.
FUCKING 2 YEARS OLD?! Come on. COME ON! God people piss me off. We need another big war or famine or something like that. Where the weak and retarded are the first to go due to hunger or disease. It will cure so many problems. So many.
How high is a red belt in rank?
I am assuming that they are TKD or some Korean derivative, but red in a lot of arts would be close to a brown. Not usually a beginner belt in any art that I have seen regardless. You gotta save the cool colors for the end.
She got it for demonstrating one punch and one kick, it’s not a high rank.
I’m only half as disgusted as usual, because it’s not like they’ve signed any contracts. Two instructors gave their toddler daughter a pretty belt to make her feel special. Of course we’ll all be reading about how this girl is shodan in four years, but I’ll save my indignation for then.
Does that place where you train still have a kids’ ninjitsu programme ? we could start with whoever teaches that.
just to restore my karma, my (future) kids are never going to get a fucking belt in anything, they will train to be genius wrestlers and muay thai boxers, and they will never have a fucking belt in their lives.
(and when CPS comes in ill let them wear a belt to hold their pants up)
This saddens me.
is her daddy Coda Scott btw? He WAS asking for three-somes on that site a few years back…
No. The ninjas ran for the hills when we got a cage.
My kid is in the kids program now, and they learn straight MMA, detuned for their age group. They even do live “sparring” with Sumo for the youngest kids, and takedowns/positions for the older ones.