1 c4n’t b3l13ve h0w g00d M4rc3lo 1s. H3 pwns B3n 4s 1f h3’s a wh1t3 b3lt!
Is this from that matattack site?
[QUOTE=Super8astard;2609609]Is this from that matattack site?[/QUOTE]
t3h d00d i5 b3y0nd b3l13f!
Fuck off with your l33t bullshit, fuckstick.
[QUOTE=battlefields;2609612]Fuck off with your l33t bullshit, fuckstick.[/QUOTE]
g0 b4ck 2 dr1nk1ng y3r f3rm3nt3d 313ph4nt p155, f00ckw4d
[QUOTE=wrestle2submit;2609607]1 c4n’t b3l13ve h0w g00d M4rc3lo 1s. H3 pwns B3n 4s 1f h3’s a wh1t3 b3lt!
This video has been posted repeatedly. Typically in the video forum where it belongs.
One line descriptions with nothing but a link or a video will always be Trollshido’d on this site because they are specifically prohibited.
I don’t like leet speak. We are not Sherdog. We communicate like educated human beings on this site. If you continue to post threads with leetspeak titles, I will consider abusing my moderator powers by banning you.
Thank you and have a nice day.
[QUOTE=wrestle2submit;2609614]g0 b4ck 2 dr1nk1ng y3r f3rm3nt3d 313ph4nt p155, f00ckw4d[/QUOTE]
No thanks. I quit drinking.
So, I’m guessing around 16 years old. Slightly retarded, or at least with severe learning disabilities. A bit larger than the average kids in his year, mostly fat. Had two lessons of BJJ and enjoyed the feeling of men rubbing all over him as it reminded him of the playground at his kindergarten when all the other kids had been picked up because his parents worked late. Religiously plays UFC on xBox or Playstation, with the handle BJJPLAYA6969 in an attempt to appear knowledgeable. Homophobic to the extreme in response to his latent homosexuality.
Profiled, BITCH.
Ummm… Obviously I’ve just seen an example of leet speech, but what is the point? Seriously…
Is it ebonics for the computer? Just wondering.
l33tsp34k: Retards wishing they had dyslexia because it would explain their lack of intelligence.
Simple enough. I’m clear.
|3U7 17 m4|< 35 U |<00L!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!111111111
Wow I just figured he jizzed up his keyboard and had to improvise I didnt realize that was a typing style.