As you all know, English is not my first language but I am shocked by the amount of mistakes I make when posting here on BS. Sometimes I just miss a letter or have a typo here and there but sometimes I mix tenses in the same paragraph or I completely fuck up the word order in a sentence.
And the strange thing is, I know it is wrong and I notice my mistakes later but while I am writing my posts it seems like I am this retarded person, unable to notice all this.
I am not sure if I should blame the fact that I edit every sentence at least twice before posting or I am just bad at writing in general.
Is it me or does the internet reduces ones ability to post a coherent, proper, well typed out response? (Not even talking about punctuation and using paragraphs)
I feel your pain. When I take the time to read what I’ve posted, it often is pretty bad. Spelling, grammer, and punctuation. I often write technical manuals on control systems I have designed and have gotten so used to spell check that I have become careless about general writing. It all fits in with my ideas about getting older and dumber though.
I have this problem to. English is my second language… and my first language is build up kind of different than english… I have noticed that my thoughs jump alittle around when I write… and I often switch language inside my head… and then I am so completely bound to fuck up.
Is this a valid excuse for shiting on this forum?
nope -_- but that’s just the way it is… maybe I have adhd or a.d.d or whatever you people call it(focus disorder)
Let’s hope that it will sort itself out somehow for all of us:P
I have a disorder called dysgraphia. I have worked on my spelling tirelessly for my whole life and cannot manage to spell properly. Trust me, you are doing very very well for having ESL. Before spell check I came off as a bigger moron then I already am. Don’t beat yourself up over it.
Then I got a Blackberry, and realized that it looks diffrent depending on the browzer. I have seen people reference a spell checker button, but that must be in another browzer.
What is the preferred browzer for reading and writing on Bullshido?
Wasn’t talking about you rather than about the video in the post above yours…
Regarding your reply,
I have a spell check plug in for FF and usually use it, problem is sometimes it does not pick up on missing letters or other stuff (for instance if I want to type one word but my fingers type out a different one, happens a lot).