Worried i can't train when i make military my career

A lot of military bases are located in not so populaous areas.

If I started Kyokushin or Muay Thai, would I be able to continue my training? Are there a lot of gyms throughout the country? Is it hard to find one close and in state?

There will probably be something close to you. If not, then there will probably be like a boxing club or something in the base.

The problem with people is that they think that if they start a martial art, they have to stick with it forever or else anything they learn will be worthless. That’s not true. You might not be able to clinc in boxing, but when you need to fight in real life, you’ll still be better off in a clinch than someone who’s never done MT.



Please PLEASE PLEASE for the love of GOD !! Put your THREAD in the right FORUM ! Or are you bullshit ? General BS maybe … or Trollshido … or Tech’s Tactics and Gear … something besides Bullshido .

Yeah but I want to continue

oops sorry I meant next time … its too late now the mods will either leave it here ( its possible ) , Trollshido it , or just move it to the correct Section . …

Seriously, how many threads are you going to make?

Could we combine all of these into one big thread called “Janggoon wants to ask more questions!”… cause that’d help us all.

Can i please get some good answers instead of criticism? I ask question because I want answers

My answer was good… :frowning:


you won’t do well in the military with that attitude

Maybe he’s going into the Air Force?


More like the damn Navy. :redface:

Air Force people dont do full contact do they ?


Air Force people don’t do period.


I wish he could join the japanese airforce.

in 1941.

wa waa waahhaa :qright2:

I can only speak to the situation in the Army (since that’s the branch I’m in, and have been in since 1987ish).

First - Military installations are often located away from heavily populated areas in order to provide sufficiently large training areas for large units of infantry, armor, etc., room to maneuver while training for battle. Hard to execute battalion sized exercises in downtown Metropolis.

Second - The quality of martial arts instruction directly adjacent to military installations is typically confined to the small schools that former service members open after they get out/retire. That means that, due to their military service, their experience and training history is quite likely sporadic at best, and none too many years were spent in the same art (unless they were in TKD, which usually has a thousand schools in any given city).

Third - Muay Thai gyms, in my experience (from Fort Stewart 1987 - 1989, ROK 1989 - 1990, Fort Carson 1991, Fort Jackson 1995, Fort Riley 1995 - 1999, Camp Zama, Japan 1999 - 2002, Fort Lewis 2002 - 2005, ROK 2005 - Present), aren’t all that common in close proximity to military bases. There is one that I know of in Tacoma, but that’s the only one I’ve seen in all my years in the Army (and I make it a point to know all the schools in the area I can find).

Fourth - Military bases do not typically have “clubs,” boxing, wrestling, or otherwise. You’ll be shocked and awed by the apathy most soldiers show toward learning combative sports. They’d rather spend their time and money downtown getting drunk and acting stupid. Here in Korea, where the TKD team is a really big deal, there are pathetically few people enrolled in classes. They all go downtown daily to drink too much beer and buy the “juicy girls” $20 glasses of pineapple juice for the pleasure of their company… :bduh:

Fifth - If you are training now, very little (other than field exercises, which depending on your MOS you may or may not participate in) will prevent you from going to one of the many gyms on any given post and train until your heart bursts. I go to the gym nearly every day, spending a few hours doing my training. The only thing you’ll run into is other soldiers making smartass comments… I hate training in plain view of everyone, so I take steps to prevent that. If you don’t mind smartass comments you can’t do much about, then there you go. You might not have much in the way of training equipment, though; we only have a heavy bag because of the TKD team’s classes, where most other gyms on most other posts lacked such things due to a lack of interest.

If you have Army-specific questions, ask away. If you’re going into the Army, get used to doing what you are told and get rid of your need for clarification and answers… They won’t always be forthcoming. The lot of a soldier is to obey, not to question, debate, and research.


dont wish him strapped into a plane with only enough fuel to get to his target … thats not cool and all to plausable these days man .

  • back to topic *
    All anyone can tell you Mister wrong section thread maker … you wont know till you know .

Its the Armed Forces Way …

Rush and hurry , to sit around and wait with out a clue .


Never mind I just saw the other thread I take back only the Boo hisssss part though …

Well I’m going to be an officer so… hehe


Maybe not close proximity. But are there good places maybe like thirty to fouty five min drive away? I don’t want to give up MA.

Oh, you’re going to be an officer, greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat.

Step1: Find a Biker bar

Step2: Call all the patrons pussy faggots.

Step3: If you survive the onslaught you are elite!!!

Step4: If you survive said onslaught, repeat steps 1 - 3 every month for 12 months!

Step5: After one year has passed send me $500 and I will issue you a black belt!

Let me guess, you’re going in to ROTC?