World of Warcraft Black Belt Uses Skills to Save Sister

Boy uses gaming skills to save sister
By QMI Agency

If anyone’s ever told Hans Jorgen Olsen that video games are a waste of time, they’ll have to eat their words.

Olsen, 12, saved his sister from a moose using the knowledge he gained playing World of Warcraft, reports the Norwegian online newspaper Nettavisen.

The pair were walking through the woods in the central Norwegian town of Leksvik when they came face-to-face with an angry moose.

Olsen knew what he had to do, thanks to the countless hours spent playing WOW, a multi-player online role-playing game.

First, he taunted the animal to get it away from his sister. In WOW, players use taunting to get monsters off their less well-armed team members.

Then, when the beast came after him, he played dead.

“When you reach level 30, you learn a trick called the fake death. That’s what I did - I pretended I was dead, and then the moose lost interest,” he said. “It went really well.”

This clearly shows, the way you train, is how you will react when the moose decides you’ve encroached on his territory. Good thing he probably didn’t roll as DPS.

If WoW skills translate into RL skills then y’all are fucked at my next throwdown, lol.

Heard about this a while ago, back before I joined the forum, neat story.
Been better if used his leet skillz to make moose steak.

my Guild Wars skillz can kick your WoW skillz,
and my “pissed drunk” technique can simulate death with more realism

It’s a good thing he wasn’t a mage and tried to use his evil magic.

WTF is Moose doing in Norway?!?!? I thought he was still enlisted.

His C.O. is going to be pissed that he misused his leave to scare children.

[quote=Uncle Skippy;2386570]WTF is Moose doing in Norway?!?!? I thought he was still enlisted.

His C.O. is going to be pissed that he misused his leave to scare children.[/quote]

But his drill sgt will secretly shed a tear of pride.

That’s why FPS games make you into Rambo.

I see those skills working for other situations. Like school shootings.

So what would have happened if he tried the same thing with a bear?

Lol this reminds me of the guy who learnt first aid from Americas Army.

he played a hunterclass then because thats the only class that can feign dead, and its from level 20, not 30.
anyway ive switched to mages cos you can make more money with portals.


fuck you, firespec is the best spec for mages.

Guild Warz 4 ever beechez