Women are such clever creatures...

I sometimes wonder WHY people think they deserve respect.

You should have tackled her, punched her in the ovaries, raped her, tied her to a tree, eaten her baby, and then stolen her Segway.


I mean, what a retard.

Why couldn’t the asswipe who can’t see a stoplight and almost hit me 10 minutes ago live in your town.

Lazy… that ass has potential to be large, and she’s giving it every opportunity.

Segways are pretty much illegal in the UK. You can’t ride them on the sidewalk (pavement/path) and you can’t ride them on the road.

Also, it incites willful young men to try and insert them in segway owner’s asses.

WTF? The amount of laziness in that picture is insane. It people like her who give women a bad name…

Now if you’ll excuse me i’m going to drive across the road to Mcdonalds for breakfast and call in sick to work.

I wonder how the obesity statistics figure for urban and suburban people of similar incomes.

no shit.

let us not forget:

yeah i read that somewhere else, unbelievable that there are people out there like that. can you imagine the male equivalent of that lady? ironic that she afraid her son will grow up to be JUST LIKE HER but a man instead of a woman. fucking imbecile.