Women Are Evil!!!!!


I think women are evil. Men have to do all the dangerous jobs. Men have to work more to make money and women spend most of the money. Women are evil. Women complain all the time yet they have life easier. Men do not live as long as women yet more government money goes to women’s medical needs than men’s. Women do not get drafted to fight in wars. Women do not even have to sign up for the selective service in the USA.

Women are evil. When a woman becomes pregnant she has the decision of having the baby and making a man pay for it the rest of his life or killing a man’s child cause she doesn’t want the responceability.

Women are evil. Women complain that they are sex objects. Well if women are sex objects then men are success objects. Men are still required to be the primary bread winners. People judge men on how much money they make.

Women are evil. Women usually marry men who make more money than them cause women are gold diggers.

More on this subject to come.

Whatever strangler.

Where can I get a green captain cave man holding a sign?

Women act like they are the victims in society when in fact men are the true victims. Women love being considered the victims cause then they will not have to be accountable for thier actions.

When a man and woman get a divorce the woman usually gets more than half of everything, custody of the children, alimony, child support, and people usually blame it on the man no matter whoses fault it is.

Men naturally protect women. A man will put himself in harms way to defend a woman more often than a woman will put herself in harms way to defend a man.

Women hit men it is ok Men hit women it is time for jail buddy

This man is not me but he speaks the truth.

someone oughta warn you that having more than one account is grounds for banning.

Hey MaverickZ stick to the thread subject please. If you are having a difficult time concentrating on the subject I suggest you take your ritalin.

This guy is not me just check his ip adress.

Do not check my ip address. My ip address is no one’s business but my own. What is this a communist run message board or something?

Your IP address is lame. Women are evil? What are you, gay?

Just because I want to give a woman my man love doesn’t mean that she is an angel. Where do you come up with this stuff Wastrel. What the hell kind of logic is that?

Your body is a temple. A holy vessel. If women are “evil” then you should not befoul your temple! It offends the Lord!

Women are victims if they ever have to come in contact with you.

All women are whores and deserve to be treated as such.


It’s a job.

Originally posted by TheGodDamnMan
Do not check my ip address. My ip address is no one’s business but my own. What is this a communist run message board or something?

Sweetie, your IP is OURS now. And we’re doing really unspeakable things to it. You’d better go to your happy place.

See how much more people care about women than men. What if women were the only ones drafted in wars? What if women died five years sooner than men? What if the most dangerous jobs were held almost exclusively by women?

See what I am getting at? Women bitch now. Imagine if women were treated like men.

I know it is in ever woman’s nature to be selfish and want to continue to be seen as the victims so women will not agree with me.

I know that it is in ever man’s nature to protect women and put women on a pedistal but I think in time we can see through that.

The truth shall set us free!


I believe in total equality, for the record. Women should run the same risks as men, and get the same rewards. Respect is EARNED, not given. So, you know, you have kind of a point, but I suspect you’re still an idiot.

A point that will never get the recognition it should. It is ok for women to complain about, well, everything, but not for men. Men are supposed to be manly and not burden other people, esp women, even if it is the woman’s fault with there problems. Women never wanted equality with men in the first place. That was the first big collective feminine lie. Women want all the advantages men have and non of the disadvantages men have. While keeping all the advantages women naturally have including being able to gripe about all the disadvantages women have all the time.

You must have been busted by your crush now have you?