Ok then lets see what you’ve got then …
Tell me why _ing _hung is teh d33dly
Ok then lets see what you’ve got then …
Tell me why _ing _hung is teh d33dly
I already tried to get him to make a rational argument,
he seems incapable of discourse at that level.
But, good luck anyway.:icon_thum
My dear chap… whever makes you think I’m looking for rational discussion ?
Good thing,
all he’s going to provide is :XXpuke:
well children when your ready to talk instead of swear, then we can begin to exchange ideas on what is good and what is not so good on a technical level.
i already posted my belief that “all” martial arts are good if time and effort are put in. I do not claim that wing chun is the best at all. K.I.S.S is the policy i like best.
technical debate not ASSumptions, speculation. problem opinions are like ass holes everyone hasd one, few are willing to show their stuff (lacking courage) to just post a clip of why a technique/system/method is useful so that we can see the merrits of it rather than just my shit is better than his cause sensei / sifu sez!
Like I said,
rhetoric, not reasoned debate.
Noone has sworn at you on this thread, build a new strawman.
You still fail, try harder next time.
my next what?
That’s what I thought.
I like Wing Chun and I can not lie,
you other brothers can’t deny,
When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
and a chain punch in yo face you get SPRUNG!
yep! what vince says
The merits (or lack thereof) of Wing Chun have been discussed to exhaustion on these forums.
The “all martial arts are good” argument is also a fallacy. There are a great deal of “martial arts” which are so steeped in mistranslated traditions and unevolved techniques as to be next to useless in modern fighting.
Now, since you are claiming that Wing Chun is actually a useful martial art, that puts the burden of proof on you. You might want to search around and read up on the typical arguments brought against Wing Chun, both to ensure you aren’t just rehashing old points and to possibly refute things already said in regards to the Chun.
PS-- Oh. And since this is Trollshido, I suppose I should mention “Balls” and “Wang.”
this line alone=fail
you know the burden of proof on the net is difficult, i suppose i can only go from my own experiences, if what you do consistently leaves you standing then your doing just fine.
Sure, it’s not as easy as making an explanatory post, but there are ways to prove effectiveness over the internet. The primary method that Bullshido tends to prefer is sparring video, especially sparring against someone from an artform with proven effectiveness. It shouldn’t be too overly difficult to find someone with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu experience or Muay Thai experience in your area with whom you can show the efficacy of your art.
and that joe will only show that one competitor was better than the other “not” that one system was better or more efficient as you “well know”. i have no beef with sparing i did it for ten years boxing. But it does not prove the efficiency of a system. say for example wingchun bjj mt whatever. I win i get some comment about how my opponent was shit and that it does not count. a lose lose scenario. anyway dont mean to be rude am going on my jong now to train. would be happy to talk more to you on this issue my email can be found at my website, cheers joe!
Let’s do the time warp again…
I have actually heard this line before, from a Xing Yi guy who used to take KMA with me. He was giving out the standard anti ground speech (elbows to the spine, etc) and I brought up the poor performance of kung fuers in UFC 1-4. Immediately he spat out 'That was the failure of the fighters, not the style!" or as we know it around here:
'They didn’t have t3h r34l".
Is there some kind of newsletter these guys get that contains all these statements?
Hey, FFF, that guy in the far right corner of the WC picture has no hair and a tattoo. GASP! MMA SPY IN THE KWOON!
Nope, just a poser.
We’ll call him…Lots 0’-n0thing
He’s obviously by far the most athletic person there, and probably owns his students by that virtue (and his boxing experience) alone. Of course he’ll never admit that, he owns them because his kung fu is strong!
Does anybody see some kind contradiction here? Of all the arts that state “we teach the weak to beat the strong! You don’t need that meathead training!” all the instructors are usually much bigger and stronger than their wimpy students. Whereas you walk into a BJJ school (you know that art for thugs and roid heads) and your first owning is usually at the hands of some 4 foot, 50 pound woman. Who’s blind.
Extraordinary when you think about it…