Wing Chun and Lonely

Hi buddies,

I do Wing Chun and am lonely, looking for some no-gi action to help round out my skill set. happy to dress up or down as suits the partner(s).

I work long hours and don’t really have a place to train but willing to meet late at night in parks or rural private places. I am really interested in learning how to apply Bong Sao when held tightly from both front and back by strong men. Also interested in internal extension exercises in the semi-inclined position.

Also, what sorts of warm ups do you guys recommend and how many guys can a relative beginner take in one session.


First post trollshido’d.

Well done your mom must be very proud.


GodDAMN, that’s the gayest martial arts-related thing I’ve ever heard.

I lol’d a little.

That was the BEST WC is gay post ever.

Why is this not in YMAS?

[quote=Backfistmonkey;2437191]That was the BEST WC is gay post ever.

Why is this not in YMAS?[/quote]
Because Bullshido is not the kind of website where it’s acceptable to troll for sex with men in a park?

Is this a trick question?

[quote=jnp;2437196]Because Bullshido is not the kind of website where it’s acceptable to troll for sex with men in a park?

Is this a trick question?[/quote]
OH … he was serious?

So wing chun is so gay I mistook a gay sex add for a parody of the art ?

Hey Buddies,

Thanks for some of the offers coming in. I spose we should work up a routine so the night is constructive. I was thinking like this:

  1. Yoga Warm up, my down dog is pretty rough so be patient
  2. Larp Sao and entries, I thought I could enter first then we could take turns
  3. Strip off a bit and go for some clinches to rear control, I would like to work in some traditional Chinese clinches here as they get a happier ending
  4. Sensory grappling, maybe with just the moonlight we can feel a bit more and use our sense of touch and smell rather than eyes, also I get nervous when we make eye contact
  5. BJJ triangles, I want to just be held there for a while, I think this would be yang in my ting sandwich

Other than that I’m happy to accomodate.

You do realize this routine is unoriginal and has already led to a couple of bans.

[quote=NotTank;2437500]Hey Buddies,

Thanks for some of the offers coming in. I spose we should work up a routine so the night is constructive. I was thinking like this:

  1. Yoga Warm up, my down dog is pretty rough so be patient
  2. Larp Sao and entries, I thought I could enter first then we could take turns
  3. Strip off a bit and go for some clinches to rear control, I would like to work in some traditional Chinese clinches here as they get a happier ending
  4. Sensory grappling, maybe with just the moonlight we can feel a bit more and use our sense of touch and smell rather than eyes, also I get nervous when we make eye contact
  5. BJJ triangles, I want to just be held there for a while, I think this would be yang in my ting sandwich

Other than that I’m happy to accomodate.[/quote]

Lol. Troll is mildly amusing.

Shit was boring with the first post. You got a 2/10 for wordplay but your lack of originality bumps you down to a 1/10.

Didn’t say it was good.

But I smiled.

What a sweet little lolcat !

Exactly why can’t a troll do this: