I heard this a while ago, but I don’t know if it is true or not. If anyone has tried, please PM me.
Pretty original trolling. Good form.
Will it build your muscles? No. But it WILL make you excellent at ING UN.
Try it for six months. Write a detailed log about your results, come back and tell us about it when you’re done.
I’ll try
So we’ve had a ‘BJJ leads to teh Ghay’ thread, and now a ‘Improving your body from being a pasty white kid is teh Ghay’…
Ashida? Is that you?
Thats a good question
This is sure to get colonelpong fired.
I thought we discussed posting pics of ar549’s wife while he was on temp ban?
well that didn’t take too long. Shit Oldman You’ve been here less time than me and you have over 1000 posts??
I have a wife and three, soon to be four kids. I really have nothing better to do.Besides, it gives me an outlet to be an asshole.
But it did build muscles up for Black Mariah. He just wants to keep his training method secret. Don’t listen to him and go ahead. Enjoy.
I guess it’s a good thing that most of childrens’ intelligence comes from the mother, huh?
(Did she laugh?)
she says you speak heap good truth…Looks too…YES, she laughed…