why is tma still around?

why arn’t tradisional martial arts exstingt if they were developt during a time when people used slice and dice weapon in war?

Come back and ask us questions after you learn how to read and write in English.


I didn’t know u had one…

Most TMA schools will advertise that they can help kids become better, more focused, students in school.

Check it out.

lol, r u 4 r34l?

didn’t work for me^^

That’s apparent.

To quote Amy Winehouse,

“What type of fuckery is this?”

yessss, you quoted winehouse! you are the fucking man!

If I may add some John Lee Hooker to teh mix

“she funny, you funny, everybody funny, I don’t like that stuff!”

Teh rseon is smiple, ts becsue the skdhobfk is nkdicvh.

The Man Himself:
I’m the big boss
I got two boys,
Do ma dirty work
they may shoot ya
they may cut ya
they may drown ya
I don’t know
cause I’m mad, and I’m bad
Like Jesse James

Here’s one for you: “I feel like snappin, my pistol in your face, I’m gonna let some graveyard, lord be your restin’ place. Woman I’m trouble, I been on that road.”

really>? I thaut it waz beekaus 2dijasbd12ye and 823jnnppnjfuansweris42asdjkak. Srry 4 using such bg wurds. lolololololol.

Why is poor spelling still around?

Brethren, I ask thee, why does poor spelling still exist if it was developed during a time when people had just graduated from their training diapers?

I mean, they could have done some reading to expand their vocabulary or at least use an online dictionary.

Or… spellchecker. Though if he used it the program would probably see it and go

"WTF is this shit?! Am i supposed to recognise this laguage? Do you expect me to decipher this crap into actual words?! What the hell man?!’

Yon Piz, I concur, verily…may we all poopeth not, in our diapers.

TMA persists because of the pants…yeah, it’s the shiny pants man.

Combat sport gear is…well…drab, and so utilitarian…I don’t think I could kickbox in silk, and I’d hate to see the friction fire that rolling in it would produce. oh noez…miy PubEs R AflamE!11

I don’t even feel like this question justifies a serious response…

So make a gay joke or something.

just look at how dumb you are
just look

TMA’s still exist because they provide real benefits un-related to combat training, and also because many people like lying to themselves.

Judo, Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling, Jujutsu, Kyokushin. Why do people still do these TMAs?