Hedgehogey prefers (please tick):
a. non-eurocentric pseudoscience
b. non-eurocentric science
c. eurocentric science
d. non-eurocentric non-science
e. eurocentric non-science
Hedgehogey prefers (please tick):
a. non-eurocentric pseudoscience
b. non-eurocentric science
c. eurocentric science
d. non-eurocentric non-science
e. eurocentric non-science
Do you even have to ask?
Of course.
f. Hegel.
We have a winner.
Let’s sit down and have mature dialectical intercourse.
You synthesised both my points.
Thereby referring to Hegel, and exemplifying Hegelian logic.
I recieved good marx?
Hating myself for that now.
Philosophically speaking, you didn’t cover all the Engels (I think you need to Proudhon your horizons), but you still get a pat on the Bakunin.
You guys smoke too much Kropotkin.
Just a Gramsci or two.
Noam means Noam. God, I feel so Durruti.
Oh, for the love of Godwin…
I’m at a Fotopouloss here.
Can’t you just stop Trotskying out the same old puns?
Listen you filthy Magon, you’re about a minute Fromm getting an Iron Column up the Memory Hole. Don’t Malatesta me.
You can Adorno your prose with as much bravado as you like - your weak attacks won’t leave a Marcuse on me.
In fact, I’m already Baudrillard with you.
hmm…you both seem to be having waaaay too much fun with whatever it is you are doing here :XXbunny:
If you two keep this up, one of you will require a cigarette.
There’s no need to be to Negritive.