Gentllemen, I need all the links you can give me for all the reasons that TKD sucks as a self defence tool (huh huh huh I said tool), help me now so I can bury some of these bitches that think that a spinning reverse hook kick with a pirovet and half twist, is going to take everyone down, (they have also been known to jack off to teh dojopress literature)
TKD doesn’t suck. There are better arts but TKD doesn’t suck . YOU Just suck buddy. Don’t blame it on TKD just because you got your ass owned by your seven year old neighbor you stupid fuck
If you don’t like TKD so much, then don’t list it as one of your styles. I as a TKD person don’t want to assciate with people like you.
Did I mention I want you to die and burn in hell? :f-off: