Why do systema students attack like gay kids on crack?


Systema?!! I thought that was salsa!!

sounds like wishful thinking on your part

Look I’m one of the first people to bag this style out (or more to the point, point out many of its flaws).

But your thread title, etc … dude grow up.


That was the first thing I thought.

He needs to find something better to do.

I guess he is going to be the new systema troller.

didn’t we just finish with a 40 something page thread on systema punches???!?

oh well, here we go again.

I give this one to SFGoon.

Yes, guess who started it?

Need a hint?

Look at the OP.

Thank you aardvarks! I would like to rebutt with the following…


Let’s do it in the butt, okay! :qcheerlea




I expect better SFgoon. That video has been used multiple times.

I’m disappointed.

This shit makes Aikido look hetero.

Well, that is, uh, doubtful… To tell the truth.

Everybody that would like me to trollshido this give me a holla.

I vote Aye.

Come on! Can’t we hae just one “in the butt” video that DOESN’T wind up in trollshido?

On an unrelated note, I bet the OP is a dupe account for odd_lifter. I’m suspicious.

troll it

Vlad looks like he’s getting a bit tubby.

I’m still not sure about Systema. A lot of the videos look silly to me, but then you find guys like SFGOON with his BJJ experience into it, and people who show up and put on a good showing at throwdowns (sorry, can’t remember everybody’s names).

SFGOON, is there any video anywhere of Systema people doing stuff that we’d ‘get’ and appreciate around?

systema is how you fight pcp’d out foolz while you yourself are wasted