Why do certain martial arts have more hot girls than others?

I know this is a newbie question, but after taking different martial arts/sports/dance throughout the years I come to this conclusion.

Any martial art/sport/dance that uses a drum have hotter girls in the class.

Oh, and one thing to know. I don’t shit where I eat. Meaning I’m not going to date/make a pass with anyone in my home club. Girls come and go, but people in your club are brothers and sisters.

With that in mind, I want to supplement my training with an auxiliary art that can improve my cardiovascular fitness, rhythm and flexibility. And so when travelling, it’ll be good to meet other people in the art. And by people I mean women who have superior intellect, fit and can appreciate why you spend 3-4 nights a week rolling around with sweaty guys.

So here are some arts that have hot girls in them. I’d like to know your opinion of them and add to the list as well.

a. Tae-Bo, Cardiokickboxing, etc… The hot girl ratio in these classes is quite a lot. The workout is a challenge (I betray my heritage with my coordination set to music). The great thing about these classes are that they are almost available in almost any commercial gym, and have regular classes. The music and the energy sets the tone, and most huge gyms are meat markets anyways. When I did live in Boston, I ended up dating a girl from a cardioboxing class at the Beacon Hill Athletic Club. Oh, if you ever have a chance to stop at the Beacon Hill Athletic Club, wow, it’s where the hottest girls in Boston work out there.

Pro: Availability, Good fitness, oh and cute girls.
Cons: You actually have to have some coordination and learn the dance/combo moves. Otherwise you’ll get a punch/kick to the face if you fall behind.

b. Capoirera. I’ve seen some Capoirera demonstrations on the beach. Wow. The girls are just hot. The drum beat is sensual and rhytmic. It’s a fucking cool art. I’ve seen demos at the beach, and every other bikini-clad girl was pushing each other out of the way to get to talk to the guy iafter the demo and talk about the international flavor and history of the art. Yep they’re interested in the art all right. No other martial arts demo have I seen girls flock to it like a Nordstroms half price shoe sale, like a capoirera demo on the beach.

Pros: A cool art, and yeah, the hot girls.
Cons: I don’t really see any. Oh, yeah it looks like you need skill, conditioning, and flexibility to actually do a lot of the moves.

c. Poekelean? I can’t spell it. It’s an Indonesian martial art. It’s a small martial art that combines a lot of movements. A lot of cute girls take it. I was priviliged to actually watch one of their forms/katas/sets/lankas? anyways, to a japanese MA guy it’s kata, to a korean it’s poomse… They had the forms set to a drum beat. It’s a cool drum beat and awesome to watch. Think a dozen people executing moves to a drum beat. Not only that, the moves are circular and a little acrobatic. Not as acrobatic as capoirera but there’s some cool moves in there. It’s actually fun to watch and has a sense of compactness that flows from one move to another.

Pros: A cool, eclectic art with cute girls.
Cons: Availability of Schools. Some schools are by application/invite only.

That’s about it. Other than that there are occasional cute girls in other arts, but not in the quality and quantity in the arts mentioned above. If you have an art that does, please feel free to share!

BULL RUSH ON facetexcusa!!!

Weird question. Good luck.

Oh, and it’s capoeira, not capoeireristicerala or however you spelled it. But you’re right, I’ve noticed that girls flock to music.

As for my advice re: girls…why not actually get to know some girls, instead of just joining clubs to ogle? </maturity>

<immaturity> fuck that man! Capoeira is the way to go! Hot girls and they shakin’ they thang while kickin some ass!! </immaturity>

hehe. Well…you said

I want to supplement my training with an auxiliary art that can improve my cardiovascular fitness, rhythm and flexibility.

Capoeira is definitely the way to go.
Cardiovascular - Your endurance goes up exponentially. It’s insane how tired you get when you’re a noob. After a few good weeks though you’ll see a great improvement

Rhythm - Any school worth its salt will have you learn the instruments and lyrics to songs in addition to the martial aspect.

Flexibility - …just watch some damn vids and you’ll know what I’m talking about.


And so when travelling, it’ll be good to meet other people in the art. And by people I mean women who have superior intellect, fit and can appreciate why you spend 3-4 nights a week rolling around with sweaty guys.

…it’s from Brazil. Anything else from Brazil? BJJ maybe? Yah, if you’re REALLY in it for the ladies then they should understand that you do BJJ too. </immaturity again>

Answer: Because I said so.

Honestly it’s about priorities, I mean if you REALLY want to improve flexibility and such, then just workout with that goal specifically in mind.

You’re going to waste your time if the objective of training is secondary to your objective of pootietang. You could end end up hurting yourself at worst (from distracted training), to looking like an ass and wasting your time at best.

If you want to get better with rhythm then take up a drumming class, if you want to get better at BJJ then train specifically for that.

No, do capoeira.

If for no other reason, do it for all the guys stuck in the midwest with NO ACCESS to it.

Yoga. Hot chicks in Yoga.

So, you’re trying to maximize the number of chicks you’re not going to bang?

Do dead chicks count? We have one in our closet actually…

If you want to take the lazy mans path and have more time to oogle, take yoga.
My friend took yoga as a spare credit and has since started enjoying the eye candy.
Most “yogi’s” that I’ve seen will have the students close their eyes for effect and “Calming of mind”, so if you get caught with your eyes open just say you were “checking positions”.

But back to your main choices, I’d say Copoeira because it seems like more fun overall than kick boxing (you might actually learn something new) and get a good workout out of it.

Then you can pwns the dudes with your awesome flipkicks and impress the ladies with your human gyroscope gig. Plus I don’t think Tae Bo translates as well to the dance floor as it used to.

Tae-Bo, DEFINITELY Tae-Bo. My mom used to go to Billy Blank’s training center in Sherman Oaks when it was still open and every time I went with her there were tons of hot chicks, in fact, it was MOSTLY hot chicks.

In Tai Chi they dont get away so quickly.

Become a kickercise/Boxercise Instructor. You don’t need any qualifications and you’ll be swimming in pussy.

For some reason Double Impact (Van Damme) came to mind.

I tend to think of women when I hear the phrase ‘Swimming in Pussy’ but he had a good body and gave great head (or so I believe) so your input was greatly appriciated there.

YouTube - Double Impact

Can’t seem to get past the 25 second mark


Why not just admit you’re more interested in getting ass than kicking it and just join Jazzercise? Take it from a former slayer of poon…girls like guys, not sheep. I landed rocker girls who were NOT into me being in the military…some were even anti-military. Why? Cause I was in shape, I was nice to them, I didn’t care about my short hair and didn’t give a shit what they thought about my service to my country. :besos:

Study a good skill, with a quality instructor, thats right for you, not the one with the highest hotness count. You’ll find a girl thats right for you. Keep chasing it and thats what you’ll be doing…chasing it.

Good luck,


You’ve never exercised in your life and you live in your parents’ basement don’t you?

Welcome to BS. You don’t seem like the type who will turn up to more than 2 classes, go ahead and try them all then go home with a Family sized bucket of KFC and an erection that only your mom/dad can do something about.

Does that cover it?