Why California woman could be the bitchiest.

Their tone and attitude could get them draged behind a car in many other countries.
Girls from other countries tend to be nicer and more respectful.
Many California woman can be stuck up bitches.
I will never tolorate a young 22 year old giving me that sasy American look.
Problem is, that woman in some parts of the U.S. tend to be very feminist.
Always trying to prove something.
There is nothing that pisses me off more than those sassy looking eyes, and that disrespectful tone.
I hate slutyness also.
I had some woman talk to be with such disrespect at Albertsons that I wanted to knock her head off.
It’s not just woman, Cali guys can be just as bad. California has some real scum. I’m Californian, and when I visit other states it’s not quit as bad.

maybe they wouldn’t look at you like that if you weren’t lurking outside their bathroom window crying wearing only a raincoat.

[quote=sandbag2;2138821]Their tone and attitude could get them draged behind a car in many other countries.
Girls from other countries tend to be nicer and more respectful.
Many California woman can be stuck up bitches.
I will never tolorate a young 22 year old giving me that sasy American look.
Problem is, that woman in some parts of the U.S. tend to be very feminist.
Always trying to prove something.
There is nothing that pisses me off more than those sassy looking eyes, and that disrespectful tone.
I hate slutyness also.
I had some woman talk to be with such disrespect at Albertsons that I wanted to knock her head off.
It’s not just woman, Cali guys can be just as bad. California has some real scum. I’m Californian, and when I visit other states it’s not quit as bad.[/quote]

Read a book.

all your threads hurt my brain. I don’t get it.

Find a submissive asian woman.

Sandbag2, fuck off. Come back when you understand that this site isn’t your dumping ground for ghostly Cali girls.

[quote=sandbag2;2138821]Their tone and attitude could get them draged behind a car in many other countries.
Girls from other countries tend to be nicer and more respectful.
Many California woman can be stuck up bitches.
I will never tolorate a young 22 year old giving me that sasy American look.
Problem is, that woman in some parts of the U.S. tend to be very feminist.
Always trying to prove something.
There is nothing that pisses me off more than those sassy looking eyes, and that disrespectful tone.
I hate slutyness also.
I had some woman talk to be with such disrespect at Albertsons that I wanted to knock her head off.
It’s not just woman, Cali guys can be just as bad. California has some real scum. I’m Californian, and when I visit other states it’s not quit as bad.[/quote]

DIE. Very slowly.

Yepper… School is most definitely out for the summer.

Let me put your post through a legibility translator:

I am completely clueless when it comes to women.
I have been rejected because I am a classless slob, and I am very angry about it.
I haven’t been laid since I paid for sex in Tijuana…and even then, the chick kept screaming someone else’s name.
I cannot handle strong, assertive, independent women. I would rather fuck a mannequin.

Hmm…me thinks you need to reevaluate your dating needs.

Tee hee.

That’s the first time I’ve ever seen that thing!

I’m actually a big fan of that sasy American look. And slutyness ain’t such a bad thing, either.