Why Are Healthy Young Men Playing UFC and Boxing Games

So you’re saying people are just too much of a pussy to do it in real life? I liked Ready 2 Rumble Boxing when I was a kid but it was just a pretty unrealistic boxing game. It wasn’t a detailed game like Undisputed. Your boxer actually gets tired in the game from swinging too much.

Try Creed VR. You’ll get physically tired IRL.

That’s definitely the case. The world is filled with kids and adults who think they could storm Normandy, but hand them an actual M1 on Omaha 1944 they would all shit themselves or just drown from eating too much breakfast in the mess that morning.

Video games are great for certain things but they also created whole generations of poseurs.

As a former X-kan who was a massive weeb and still is a bit of a dork, I’d like to think life experience would have at least brought me to a place where if Im not cool, at least not uncool. Tepid, perchance.

In a way yes, but it could also be liking the idea of something while knowing the reality is different.

People like power fantasy for that reason. Theres always a good number of guys I know in the gym who got into martial arts because of the fiction they consumed like dragonball, marvel, DC comics etc. But know full well that while they like cool fight seens and jacked people smashing each other into buildings etc, they dont really like the idea of noses and bones being broken when reality doesnt come with that kind of plot armour.

For me, when Ive had facial feminisation surgery, I may drop striking arts with direct head punches unless theres the full visor headgear just because I wouldnt want to waste the money on that front, but for me, that’s fine because Im no pro fighter and its not how i make my living. Up until then, no issues.

Some people also dont want the CTE, and I can respect that, but they can appreciate the skill of boxing.

Im the same with watching fast cars.

I have a theory that we instinctively believe we can fight due to some sort of evolutionary trait. There was that supposed poll they did.

I didn’t fact check the study, in principle i think it’s believable, there are people out there that think they can take a 10 ton elephant. 99% of people have their one go to move in a fight. “He’s going to do this and i’m going to do that and the fights over”.

I think you can measure “being a pussy” in many different ways, there are some execs i’m pretty sure i could beat up, but i wouldn’t want to cross them in the corporate world. That applies to many different high stress scenarios of which combat is one. Worlds within worlds. I wouldn’t be able to take some of the financial risks i’ve seen people take, don’t have the stomach for it.

I’d say some people just enjoy gaming, some may be living vicariously because they don’t want to exercise or get hit, others think they can already fight. You only realise you can’t fight once you’re in a fight, which is a shit place to find out.

You could try something like this:


You also get the one with the bar across the nose, but it limits your visibility of uppercuts.
I got that style after having an open face one for a while, and it really did help with the nose, damage to the face etc. Didn’t really limit my visibility.

degree of CTE and choice of gym also go hand in hand. haha.

Did you understand my “too much breakfast” reference?

It’s heartbreaking, but I’ll tell you anyway. Just ask.

It’s one of the saddest tales of WWII, but it’s true, and I hate sharing it.

Lord Asia got into martial arts because of Gatchaman and other anime. You’re right fantasy and reality are two different things. I’ve noticed something similar when people say they’re going to be the next Conor Mcgregor and they last one day and never come back to the gym because they didn’t realize how much work it is. Sorry about your feminine surgery. It sucks you can’t really train striking arts. Kyokushin guys even punch to the head when they wear gloves.

Wait that wasn’t a joke!!??!?!?!!?

This guy is telling people who are trolling him online in a video game to fight him in real life. Lord Asia was funny because he could beat your ass in Tekken and in real life.

I didn’t catch that reference.

I never joke.

Pretend you’re about to die on a heavily fortified beach in France. You’re up against Nazi machinegunner pillboxes, grenades, and snipers.

You’ve been trained for a very short time. Your birthday came up in a lottery.

So you decide to have a breakfast full of fat and eggs. Ham, bacon, beef.

That’s why you died, not from bullets but from drowning because you are vomiting uncontrollably oversides, and you can’t bear the weight of all that gear.

This is what anybody who has ever fought for real knows you need to go in with an empty stomach. A lot of those 10,000 beach stormers didn’t die from anything but getting sick and falling into the surf.

They don’t teach that part on Call of Duty. They do on Oregon Trail though.


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Now I wish you were joking.

@kimjonghng I don’t know if you interact with other video game or anime fans online. But if you do martial arts they treat you like you’re a superhero. I was talking to this guy online and I told him that this Baki character did a technique that I’m actually pretty good at. He considered me a real life anime character.

I dont mind it massively, I can still grapple or use one of those big kudo helmets if needs be, or do something else.
As I get older I will probably stick more to wrestling based systems and weapons. Who knows?

I’ve met some real ‘I dont need to train because I just see red when its go time and bodies drop’ people, usually delusional