Who's Trollin' MAP?

posted by someone named deepthought. this has to be a troll, he can’t be serious, can he?

"That’s friggen inspiring, dude. I doubt a lot of people would have been able to control themselves in a situation like that.

Me personally, I hope I never, ever have to use anything I learn in martial arts because I really am afraid of what I can do to a person if the technique’s right. I mean, I’ve only been in tae kwon do for 2 months, and already I’ve been taught how to maim, and possibly kill a person multiple ways. That’s not something I ever want to make use of.

Now that I think of it, though, there was this one time I used a martial-artsy-type move…I don’t remember how I did it, but somehow, I managed to throw this guy backwards about 5 feet or so. Didn’t hurt him, aside from the shock of falling on middle-school issue tile flooring, but I learned my lesson for it while on suspension…"


Clever troll.

Map=Martial arts punks

i dont really bother posting there anymore after reading some of the rubbes psts over there…

Is he the one who has “happy little goth guy” by his avatar?