
i have no luck searchin for DMT, don’t even know where to begin my search…any suggestions?


Scroll down to “synthesis and extractions”.

Word of warning, if you are not an experienced psychonaut you will probably not enjoy DMT.

I’ve tried a version of it and the shit is strong. This isnt one to fool around with.

i’ve read some stuff online about ppl talking about the differences between dmt and salvia, but i don’t know who these kids are, and i don’t put a whole lot of stock in regular joes talking about.

i’d like to pose the question here for ppl with experience like annaT…

how different is it?

shit, lookin at the synthesis and extractions section, thats a lotta work!

this is the norm? ppl make it themselves?

if thats the case, i’m not interested anymore =(

Joe Rogan is big on DMT.

yes, i know this, and is mainly how i heard of it in the first place and got me interested

his isolation tank is fuckin crazy

My experience is with 5-meo-dmt. relatively mild doses of 5mgs~

You hit it, you hold it and in about 20 seconds your tripping fantastically hard with no come up, no time to prepare, just BOOM.

By the time you come to terms with the strength of the experience the ride is almost over. Thus far I have ultimately found my experiences with DMT to be a little lacking. Not in potency but in usefulness.

Rogans experiences sound like quite an amazing ride but unless you’ve tripped hard before and have a feel for tripping then you’re almost certainly going tobe taken off guard and once taken of guard it’s real easy to spiral into a bad head space.

personally i prefer the longer lasting more typical psychedelics that enhance my appreciation of the reality i am in rather then the ones that completely shatter reality and replace it with something else, or drop me into a fantastically hard trip and then drop me back out just as quick.

interesting, cuz as i said earlier, salvia did that to me, it hit me so hard and fast, i had no idea, and while it was a bad trip, i wasnt really deterred from it. I learnt my lesson, realized i need to NOT be standing while i keep the the shit held in my lungs, and to put away the bong promptly before its too late, then just enjoy the ride

Sounds like you got off easy. The trips can be a LOT worse.

no, not while i was trippin! shit felt sooooo real, i was seriously questioning my existence for what felt like a good 10 minutes…i was just giving a brief version of the events, but i’ll add to it

i was hearing voices tellin me shit like my life was overr? wtf…when i finally dropped face down onto the bed, i felt like i was being held up by a sea of marching ppl floating in their hands helplessly as they led me to, what i thought was my impending death… they were marching and turning everything behind them into lego…it was damn scary…

hell, in retelling the story to ppl at work, they got scared and didn’t want to try it! them pussies

not sure how true this is, but apparently some local kid recently died in a car crash, and it was because he got high on salvia. It has created some attention here in toronto and looks like its gonna be illegal soon

Ode to Philip K. Dick

This has been a thread about some people who were punished entirely too much for what they did. … These were comrades whom I had; there are no better. They remain in my mind, and the enemy will never be forgiven. The “enemy” was their mistake in playing. Let them all play again, in some other way, and let them be happy.

I would like to find something that completely takes me to a new reality. I’m hoping DMT will do it. My friend has done it before and will be my trip sitter for it. I’m quite looking forward to it and we plan on shooting a video of me while I’m on it. Can’t wait to see how much of a jackass I am while on it.

If your DMT experience is anything like our experiences (Kat and myself) with 5 meo DMT then the video will be of you laying there for a couple minute staring into space, totally unmoving.

I’m cool with that. My desire to take it is to explore my subconscious better and hopfully gain some new insight. I know that sounds so fucking hooky but thats just how it is.


Then I would really recommend shamanism.

Hmm I wonder how many people practice shamanism in Las Vegas… If you’ve never been to this city its pretty dead on the whole having a culture or spirital side to it. I’ll have to see if I can find anyone.

DMT is a fascinating molecule - an endogenously occurring psychedelic. It leads me to believe that current theories regarding psychedelics as seratonin agonists might not be taking the natural mechanism f action of DMT into account, per my understanding the two chemicals are fairly similar which would make cross agonization a distinct possibility.

Anyway, have fun with that one, because it’s naturally occurring, powerful, and harmless.

With 10x extract salvia (smoked), I went off into my own world and saw all sort of crazy colourful patterns. But my friends with me at the time said while this was happening to me, I was going apeshit (literally), screaming and gesturing like a monkey, and I was about to kick over a stereo when I came to. After that, half (and only half) of the room looked like it was melting.

So I can’t imagine combining it with anything besides reef.