Who would win, Bruce Lee vs. Carrot Top

Now before you all go ‘duh, teh bruce lee of course’ let’s compare the two:

We have Bruce Lee

Rather thin guy. Looks like those wrists could break easily. Who cares about “kung fu” he may have known - looks like that MA isn’t too popular on this board anyways.

Then we have, teh carrot top

Check that guy out. He’s fucking jacked. And check out that ‘smile’ (?) on his face. It looks like he’s saying ‘i pwn YOU’ while taking a shit in his pants at the same time. Obviously he has just taken a shit because those pants are hanging so low from the weight of his feces. Takes a fucking badass to do that kind of thing.

We are going to have to kill you before you breed, so that your children cannot grow up to post on the internet.

Holy shit, is that a real picture of Carrot Top?

Hi,you must be one more Fightingarts.com reject who decided to bring your important and thoughtful question to us here at Bullshido?

Yes it is. Scary, isn’t it?

Haha, Carrot Top is deisel. Damn.

To the naysayers, canuck/zendetta - it’s called a joke, something someone with a sense of humor could identify and either like or dislike. Leave the computer for once and develop one and maybe those girls you keep eyeing but haven’t the courage to talk to will show some interest in you. :slight_smile:

I’ve posted this on a completely different board and it never ceases to amaze me how many idiots think this is somehow real and respond with variations of ‘duh this poll is lame, bruce lee would win of course’. A few get it though - sucks to have to spell it out :wink:

That’s bizarre.

Jokes are generally funny. That would be why no one recognized this as such.

The whole “Bruce Lee vs” thing peaked with “Bruce Lee Vs a Vampire” and then this fat lady started singing …

Right, forgive me I was unaware you were the final word on humor, and that ‘everyone’ on bullshido ='s a few people with poor reading comp. skills :slight_smile:

Accept the fact that you suck at this. Also, please change your Style field to something sensible.

Mm? Poor reading comprehension, my good man, i’ve got a rather high comprehension hell on the OGT that was my highest area (and i did pretty damn good in the other areas too) so at the very least you cant make that generalization

And who won the debate? Bruce or the Vampire? Did he get to use Nunchaku carved into stakes? or wear a clove of Garlic? I must know!

Oh, well, see Bruce Lee would be a zombie, right? Undead, so the vampire wouldn’t be able to feed off of him or use hypnosis or anything.

Bruce by chain staking.

Yes, its so obvious! Putting Zombie Bruce Lee as the top of the monsters, even above Vampires Werewolves and the mummy.

The only person who could take Zombie Bruce Lee is Van Helsing

Ha ha.That was a real funny one.I guess you can’t tell when someone is being sarcastic.

So,tell us o funny one!Is that you in the second pic?

You know what gets me about Carrot Top? He’d actually be funny if he’d lose the prop schtick. And he’s always been big.

On another note, I should do standup. I’d be fucking awsome.

Zombie Bruce would, of course, lose to Vampire Chuck Norris.

But Bruce defeated Norris at the Colisseum.

And the invincible would be something like “ninja pirate zombie vampire were-grizzly Bruce Lee”…

…with a black belt in BJJ, of course.

Carrot Top’s wearing prop muscles.

Fucking seriously … are those his real muscles or not? I don’t know what to do if they are.