[Insert emo rant]
Proced to flame.
(I have an actual emo rant, but Ill spare you all and we can skip to the telling me im a retard)
[Insert emo rant]
Proced to flame.
(I have an actual emo rant, but Ill spare you all and we can skip to the telling me im a retard)
I think you’re an amazing human being with wonderful qualities. You should strive for every happiness in life because, inherently, you deserve it.
I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but things can in fact get better. The key is learning to be at peace with yourself. Past and present.
Don’t wallow in misery, focus yourself firmly in the moment and look to the future. Remember success is only as far away as the next rung of the ladder or the next step. Take them one at a time and it won’t seem so daunting.
don’t listen to JP he touches himself at night, under his Strawberry Shortcake blanket.
It helps me sleep at night. Thank you for lending it to me Aardvarks. You’re cranky cause you’re not sleeping right? Want the blanket back?
Its a little crusty in some spots, but its still very snuggly.
don’t listen to JP he touches himself at night, under his Strawberry Shortcake blanket.
How do you know…on second thought forget I asked.
I am happy with my Jem and the Holograms, thank you.
Jem’s for retards. You wanna get yourself some She-Ra pillow cases.
By the way, how’s that dick-sheath you call a throat? Sore?
well if your girlfriend would quit vinegar douching it wouldn’t be so sore
The lights were out in your apartment again weren’t they? You were wandering around and stuck your dick into the neck of the Clorox jug again didn’t you?
Look, sometimes that burning sensation is friction and sometimes it isn’t. Pay your electric bill and get some moisturizer.
so that was your mom, then?
sorry dude.
Don’t apologize to me motherfucker, you forgot to pay for her this time. Again. Look, I’ll explain it again, you go upstairs and then on your way out you give my Dad 100 bucks. Its an extra $10 if you want to shower.
They’ve gotta earn their keep, rest homes aren’t cheap these days.
how about an extra $20 to fumigate?
How much to watch?
nobody wants to watch you, Tortelli.
What? I’ve got tapes and tapes of Aardvark’s visits…
Want footage of him wiping his dick on a teddy-bear?
Aardvarks. Not cool man, the cat hasn’t walked right since.
you told me to come in and help myself to a little pussy.
you all suck. everybody sucks. fuck everybody. goddamn bunch of assholes.
Remember: slash up and down, not side to side.
You guys are retards. I watched Jem and She-Ra and I sniffed Strawberry Shortcake erasers (note I did not say ‘rubbers’) as a child. Fuck you bastards.
no i think slashing motherfuckers throats from side to side works better. :occasion1