where's the end of the line for IHOP's Rudy Tooty Fresh And Fruity Breakfast Special?

Well, I tried to play nice, I tried to be understanding, I tried to be the good guy who looks at the situation from outside the box. What do I get for it? Dirt in the face.

Just got banned off Rudy’s board for questioning one of their members stupid comments about the # of pro fighters who frequent and post on this board. Rudy switched up my sig to use my real name and insult me, and I think changed my avatar to a douche. I called him out on it via PM, and asked him that if my blue belt was laughable, and he just got his ass kicked by a white belt where that left him?

Anyway, where do I take my ticket to get in line to kick that fuckers ass? He lives in Maryland right? I gotta go down there anyway to spar Maverick and knife fight Plasma, I can take a pit stop along the way.

And he’s taken it a step further and IP banned me, so I can’t even view the board. Awesome.

K, I’ll bite. Who the fuck is “Rudy”??? And can you furnish a link so i can go have a looksee???

Rudy lives in California; JFS is in Maryland.

If Rudy lived as close to me as Maryland Rudy/Anthony would never have happened, because I’d have beaten Rudy into a fine paste years ago.

Remember that scene in Aladdin where the Cave of Wonders implored the titular street rat to touch none of its majesties but the lamp and Abu begins shitting on some diamonds or whatever?


You can always use a proxy to view it.

You had to know you were going to get banned the minute you challanged him on anything or refused to toe party line.

Any comment from you was destined to be labeled as Bullshido Dogma.

Oh, and for a second I was hoping for a good Gabe Ruediger bashing… silly me.

Fuck man :frowning:

Any idea where in Cali? I may be in NorCal within the year for some things, close by?

After spending 5 years preaching that “KungFuDoesWork” and talking an insane level of shit about MMA-focused training, only to be beaten by a casual MMA hobbyist with less than a year of training, he’s desperate to find validation/vindication through any means necessary.

It’s best to just close the book on the guy and move on. Seriously, with his level of desperation, the next altercation he’s involved in is going to see the man seriously hurt by doing something stupid.

Plenty of other, un-kicked asses out there worth applying boots to.

I feel so dumb asking who in the fuck you are talking about. But then again, I am kinda soft in the head. So humor me please.


I can’t believe you missed the previous 48 million threads on the subject of Rudy.

Consider yourself humoured.

I wondering what I can do now to make him start hating me again. I feel all left out after reading the “revelation” that Anna and Kat are really men.

I can’t believe the audacity of this motherfucker to suck, be a pussy about it, and then STILL talk shit after his beating.

Beat him up in a match.

drives him nuts

And you…

Got exactly what you deserved. How in God’s green earth did you think joining his board was a good idea.

Seriously his board is Monty Pythonesque in thier collective denial of all reality.

I am surprised Rudy hasn’t started to claim he beay up anthony’s fists with his face which is an integral part of Monkey Kung Fu

I intend to whoop his ass so decisively that he pulls a JFS and sends his girl online to explain to his fans that he’s too busy saving orphans, white water rafting, curing aids, rescuing kittens, etc. to even THINK of fighting again.

I’d recommend not respecting the tap, and not being the bigger man.

Beat him until the ref forcefully pulls you off and then jump up and rub his face in it from the get go.

If Shar ever manages to delude herself to the point where she really does try and set up a match with me I’m going to piss on her right in the middle of the ring.*

*true story.

I’m too nice for all that, despite my best efforts at malice. You’re gonna have to bank on him having the balls to take a beating. I wouldn’t bet on it though.

You guys are squandering your chances. In a real match you have to be a respectful sportsperson because it’s nothing personal. But when it’s personal you might as well make it really personal. Makes better internet.